Machine & Machine Type Import Export
  • 30 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Machine & Machine Type Import Export

Article summary

Export Import Diagram

Below is the entire transfer flow for Machine Types, Machines, Machine Attributes, Downtime Reasons, and States. This document will provide a detailed explanation of this flow.



During the export process, the exported application or automation will report every machine (and associated asset) in use within that application. A machine is considered in use if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Used in the when condition of a trigger or automation
  • Used in any of the machine widgets within the application
  • Used in an analysis that is used within the application

Any machine dependency will also automatically include the corresponding:

  • Machine type
  • Machine attributes
  • Machine state
  • Machine downtime reasons
  • Machine activity fields


For Each Machine Type

For each machine, we check if its type already exists in the target instance. If it does, we will use that type and respect the configuration of the existing type.

If a matching type cannot be found, a new type will be created.


For Each Machine

For each machine, we check if a machine with an identical unique ID already exists in the instance. If it does, we will use that machine and respect the configuration of the existing machine.

If a matching machine cannot be found, a new machine will be created.


For Each Downtime Reason/State

For each downtime reason or state, we check if a parallel asset with an identical name exists in the target. If it does, we will use that asset and respect the configuration in the target.

If a match cannot be found, a new asset will be created.


For Each Attribute

For each attribute on each machine, we check if an attribute with an identical unique ID already exists in the instance. If it does, we will use that attribute and respect the existing configuration.

If a matching machine attribute cannot be found, a new attribute will be created matching the source configuration.


For Each Machine Trigger

For each machine trigger, we check if a trigger with an identical ID already exists. If it does, we will use that trigger and respect the configuration of the existing trigger.

If a matching machine trigger cannot be found, a new trigger will be created matching the source configuration.


For Machine Activity Fields

Machine activity fields are handled like any other table and follow this flow: Table Import Export.

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