PowerBI Desktop Integration
    • 15 Mar 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors

    PowerBI Desktop Integration

    Article summary

    Integrate tulip tables with PowerBI Desktop for streamlined analytics

    Link to library page


    This attached .pbix template showcases how to easily query tulip tables to PowerBI
    Download PowerBI Template

    Tulip Analytics will work much better analyses of only tulip data as well as streaming data.
    For analyses that require a complex data model, longer refresh frequencies, and broader reach, this approach can be used to put tulip data in the heads of leaders

    PowerQuery Script

    Alternatively, see below for PowerQuery Script included in the PowerBI Template

    (TulipTableId as text, instance as text) as table=>
    Query = #table( type table [#"table" = text], { {TulipTableId}}),
    Function = Table.AddColumn(Query, "Offset", Number.Round(Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://"&instance&"/api/v3/tables/"& TulipTableId &"/count"))/100)),
    ExpandedOffset =Table.ExpandListColumn(Function, "Offset"),
    NbLoop=Number.Round(Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://"&instance&"/api/v3/tables/"& TulipTableId &"/count"))/100),
    TableOffset=Table.FromList(List.Transform({0..NbLoop},each Number.ToText(_*100))),
    TableOffset1=Table.RenameColumns(TableOffset,{{"Column1", "Offset"}}),
    TulipTable= Table.AddColumn(TableOffset1, "Records", each Table.FromRecords(Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://"&instance&"/api/v3/tables/" & TulipTableId & "/records?limit=100&offset="& [Offset] &"&sortBy=_sequenceNumber&sortDir=asc"))))
    Plain text


    Download the .pbix template and follow the in-app instructions (Shown below)

    1. Review templated PowerQuery under section: "Home >>> Transform Data" to open PowerQuery
    2. Review the query "Tulip Query" and replace Tulip TableID with desired table ID and instance with instance url (e.g.,
    3. Click "Invoke" and enter API credentials (Use "Basic" Authentication)
    4. Clarify privacy level when prompted (Default is organization for most use cases)
    5. Click on the Split Arrows to the right of the records column
    6. Modify table as needed; click "Close and Apply"

    Further References

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