Intro to Machine Monitoring
  • 20 Sep 2022
  • 4 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Intro to Machine Monitoring

Article summary


Learn the basics of Machine monitoring in Tulip before learning how to set up your first machine

In this article, you will learn about:

  • The capabilities of the machine monitoring feature in Tulip
  • How to track machine data without setting up an app

Tulip uses the "Machines" page within the Shop Floor option in the Menu Bar to allow you to manage your machine data in Tulip.

There are two ways to monitor machine data in Tulip:

  1. Without Apps: By simply setting up an OPC UA Connector and connecting your OPC UA fields to atrributes in Tulip, you can begin tracking and analyzing data.
  2. Within Apps: If you have to combine human-centric data (audits, machine inspections, maintenance history) with machine data in real-time, you will need to set up an app that can be run in the Tulip Player to combine the human data with machine data.

Tulip can help you monitor one machine or hundreds of machines. You can track data across multiple machines under one category.

Here are the 7 steps needed to setup machine monitoring in Tulip:

  1. Set up an OPC UA Connector on the "Machine Data Sources"
  2. Create a Machine Type to organize your machines
  3. Create an Attribute to organize data from multiple machines
  4. Connect your machines to Tulip and map their data on the "Machine Library" page
  5. Set up Machine Triggers to map Attributes to Machine States
  6. Create an Analytic for your machine data (optional)
  7. Update machine history from an app (optional)

Here's a quick tour of the capabilities of Tulip's Machine Monitoring feature.

Machine Library

See a list of all machines that are connected to Tulip.

Use the "Grid View" to get a visual overview of all current machines. In the example below, 4 out of 5 machines are offline.

Use the "Progress Bar" view to see the history of every machine over the past 3 hours.

Machine Types

Organize your Machines by type.

For each machine type, create custom states to determine the status of the machine.

Individual Machines

See the history of each individual machine over time.

Machine Attributes

See the list of all attributes that can be used to organize machine data.

Creating Analytics with Machine Data

Use this separate guide to see how to create custom analytics in the Analytics Builder.

Using Machine Data In Apps

Check out this separate guide to learn how to use machine data within your frontline operations apps.

Further Reading

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