Importing Tulip Node-RED Flows
    • 15 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Importing Tulip Node-RED Flows

    Article summary

    Importing Tulip Node-RED Flows

    Tulip offers pre-built Node-RED flows for import to Edge devices

    This article covers the workflow to import Tulip-built Node-RED flows into the Node-RED editor. Flows are constantly being added to the library and have separate documents detailing the implementation of specific flows.

    Quick Walkthrough of Importing Node-RED Library Flows

    MQTT Node Red.gif

    Importing Library Flow

    1. From the upper right-hand corner of the Node-RED editor, select the Menu icon and press Import.

    1. Select the Library option to import nodes from and expand the folder tulip-library-readonly.

    Note: The tulip-library-readonly folder contains Tulip-provided flows and is read-only. You can export flows under Local create additional folders in Local, but you cannot export flows to tulip-library-readonly or create additional folders in tulip-library-readonly.
    3. Import the selected flow and confirm the successful import toast message at the top of the screen. This will differ depending on the imported flow.

    1. New flows import are automatically created upon import. You should now see the library flow within the Node-RED Editor and can switch to the flow to continue with implementation.

    1. Once you are done implementing any changes in the flow, click Deploy to run the flow. This flow will now additionally run whenever Node-RED starts (ie if the device is rebooted).

    Further Reading

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