What is OAuth 1.0?
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

What is OAuth 1.0?

Article summary

OAuth 1.0 is a token-based authentication method supported for HTTP Connectors. It provides an application with an access token for request authentication.

This methos uses HMAC-SHA signature strings. These strings hash the algorithms used to generate the signature for the request.


  • User - person who wants to get access
  • Consumer - application or website that uses OAuth to access the Service Provider (Tulip)
  • Service Provider - web application that allows access via OAuth (Netsuite)
  • Protected Resource - data the user wants to access


OAuth 1.0 uses a request token and access token.

  • Request Token - a token containing Consumer Key and Consumer Secret used to ask the service for authorization
  • Access Token - a token used to access the resource

Additionally, long-lived tokens, typically valid for a year or more

OAuth 1.0.png

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