Add and Manage Apps
    • 17 Jul 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Add and Manage Apps

    Article summary

    Learn how to add new apps and manage existing ones within the Apps page.

    This article details different procedures you can perform on apps in your instance. From creation to archival and everything in between, the Apps page allows you to add and manage all the applications in your instance.

    Create an App/App Folder

    1. Navigate to the Apps page from the Menu Bar.

    2. Click Create App in the top right of the page. To create a folder, click the arrow and then Create App Folder.

    Create App or App Folder

    Duplicate, Print, or Archive an App

    1. From the Apps page, select an app from the app folder or search for an app via the search bar.

    2. Click the three-dot-menu to access app options.

    App Options Menu Expanded

    1. Select the desired action:

    Duplicating an app will create a copy of the Development Version of the selected application.

    Archived apps are recoverable under the Archived Apps menu option.

    Rules for Printing Apps


    If you want to print app data in real-time, see this separate guide This guide only shows how to print all steps in the app without dynamic content.

    Due to a limitation in Google Chrome, you may only print 16 steps at a time. Each step will be printed on a new page.

    If your app has more than 16 steps, use the "Next" button at the top of the print screen to advance to the next set of steps. Then, choose "Print" again.

    Duplicate, Print, or Archive an App Folder

    1. Select an app folder from either the left-side panel or from the list of folders on the Apps page.

    2. Click the three-dot-menu next to the Create App button.

    App Folder Options Menu

    1. Select the desired action:
    • Duplicate
    • Import
    • Export
    • Archive

    Archived app folders are recoverable under the Archived Apps menu option.

    Move an App between Folders

    Storing apps into folders helps organize your Tulip space and separates apps into their respective process stages. To reorganize an app in your instance, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Apps page.

    Apps Page1

    1. Select an app from a folder and click the three-dot-menu to show the options.

    App Options Menu

    1. Select Move. A modal pops up prompting you to select a new folder to move the app to.

    Move App Modal

    1. Select the new app folder and click OK.

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