Tulip Player Enterprise Deployments
  • 18 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Tulip Player Enterprise Deployments

Article summary

Use this guide to understand different enterprise deployment methods for the Tulip Player.

Windows Platform

Tulip offers EXE and MSI Installers for the Windows platform.
The MSI Installer is available starting from version 2.4.0 (release on September, 30, 2023).

EXE Installer

The EXE installer installs to the User’s app data directory:


Auto updates are enabled by default for the Tulip Player but you can disable them by following this article.

If the PC is shared by multiple users, each with their own Windows account, the Tulip Player must be individually installed by each Windows account.

For silent installs (no GUI), the installer can be invoked from the command line as:

"Tulip Player Setup.exe" --silent

The installation location for the binaries cannot be changed.

MSI Installer

The MSI Installer is available starting with version 2.4.0 of the Desktop Player application.
The MSI installer installs to the Windows’s Program Files folder, which is typically located at the following:

C:\Program Files\Tulip\Tulip Player

To invoke the installer from CLI, run:

msiexec /i <path to Tulip Player Setup.msi file> [MSI Flags] [OPTIONS]

The MSI Installer will install the Tulip Player for all users.

MSI Flags

Review this page for common MSI Flags.
The common one is /qn for silent install without GUI.


APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY=<path to installation folder>Customize the folder location where app is installed
AUTOUPDATEENABLED=0Disable auto updates. If not specified, the default value is 1 and auto updates are enabled

For example, to silently install Tulip Player with auto updates disabled and custom folder location you would insert the following:

msiexec /i <path to Tulip Player Setup.msi file> /qn AUTOUPDATEENABLED=0 APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY=<path to installation folder>

Thin Clients

To install Tulip Player in a thin client environment, the following environment variable should be set at a Machine scope.

Value: "%APPDATA%\Tulip Player\tulip\global_config"

To set this via PowerShell, insert the following:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TULIP_PLAYER_GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR", "%APPDATA%\Tulip Player\tulip\global_config", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

If your Thin Client setup uses multiple Windows servers (i.e. a request to open a session by a user could be routed to different Windows server based on some configuration or parameter such as load on the server), the Roaming Data folder must be configured to be kept in sync between the different Windows servers.

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