Typecasting Expressions
  • 22 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Typecasting Expressions

Article Summary

Learn how to change your data types using the Expression Editor.

Typecasting is the method to convert data types into a different data type, in order to use the data in different methods or contexts. You can typecast data in Tulip using the Expression Editor in a Trigger.

Converting Text

Parses text into a Boolean. “y”, “yes”, “t”, “true”, and “on” (and any capitalized variants) are recognized as true, and “n”, “no”, “f”, “false”, and “off” are recognized as false.

texttoboolean expression

In the example below, each text variable on the left converts to a boolean on the right side.

texttoboolean expression in app

Changes a given text data type to a Datetime data type

NOTE: For this expression, you are required to include a timezone in the expression. View this website for a list of supported timezones.

texttodatetime expression ex

texttodatetime expression ex in app

Converts text into a file

texttofile expressions ex

Converts text into an Image URL

texttoimageurl expression ex

texttofile and imageurl expression ex in app

Parses text into an Integer

texttointeger expression ex

Parses text or a timestamp into a Number

texttonumber expression ex

Converting to Text

Changes a given datetime data type to a text data type

datetimetotext expression ex

datetimetotext expressions ex in app

Converts a file into text

filetotext expressions ex

filetotext expression ex in app

Parses anything into text

Other Typecasting Expressions

Converts a badge ID to a User object

badge_id_to_user expression ex

badge_id_to_user expression ex in app

Returns the hexadecimal representation of the given number

int_to_hex expression ex

int_to_hex expression ex in app

Returns the numeric representation of the given hexadecimal string

hex_to_int expression ex

hex_to_int expression ex in app

Returns the length of an Interval in seconds

int_to_hex expression ex

int_to_hex expression ex in app

Returns the length of an interval in seconds

seconds_to_interval expression ex

Converts seconds into an interval

interval_to_seconds expression ex

intervals and seconds expressions ex in app

Converts a user ID to a user object

user_id_to_user expression ex

user_id_to_user expression ex in app

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