Library Starter Collection
    • 11 Apr 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Library Starter Collection

    Article summary

    If you're new to Tulip or the library, start here!


    Welcome to the Library! The purpose of the library is to equip you with educational materials, templates, solutions, and integrations to streamline Tulip app development.

    This page serves to highlight ideal starter content to accelerate app building.

    Tulip focuses on building human-centric apps that reflect the operator's workflow; the library is made of customizable content that can be configured for your particular use case.

    A great resource to pair with the library content is our collection of Tulip challenges

    Three types of apps to start with:

    • Educational Material
    • Templates
    • Solutions

    Types of Starter Content

    • Educational Material
      Educational material includes links to tulip university content, quick tips, tutorials, functional examples, and more. This content is designed to give context, instructional examples, educational apps.

    • Templates
      Templates are ready-to-configure apps. These are great for starting app building. Instead of starting from scratch, you can make use of design templates and functional templates that accelerate app development

    • Solutions
      There are also ready-to-use soltuions that require minimal configuration. These can include 5S checklists, quality defect reporting, performance visibility terminals, and more. The solutions are ready-to-go. Minor configuration required.

    Check out the list below for great starter content; more detail is included in the section below:

    Below are additional details on these curated library assets for each category

    Educational Content

    Functional Examples

    Functional examples can be a great way to explore how apps work!
    Here's the direct link to all functional examples on the library


    Defect tracking and Checklist functional examples are a great place to start exploring.

    These functional examples serve two purposes:

    1. Explain Tulip features and logic
    2. Provide context for a specific operations use case

    Instructional Videos

    The library has a whole host of instructional videos including quick tips, overviews, examples, and more.

    Here's a favorite from each category:

    Overview Video: Production Management

    This is a great video that walks through a number of use cases Tulip can help enable in operations; it gives some great context about what outcomes Tulip can create

    Tutorial Video: Making a Defect Tracking App

    This video is a great step-by-step explanation of making a simple defect logging Tulip app.

    Quick Tip Video: Base Layout Triggers

    This quick tip video walks through a simple tip: How to best make use of the base layout. This is a great way to streamline menu triggers on the base layout.

    App Templates

    Instead of creating apps from scratch, try out using a template instead! There are some basic templates as well as more robust templates.
    Here is a direct link to the two robust templates!

    These include step templates, colors, buttons, and base layouts to accelerate your app development

    There are also basic templates!

    These include basic context and a base layout and are a simple start

    App Solutions

    The library also includes some basic, composable solutions. These are apps that have simple logic and structure; these apps can nearly immediately create value in operations. See below for a few recommended starter app solutions:

    Performance Visibility Terminal

    This app is a simple starting point for managing and monitoring station performance. This makes use of a couple tables and has relatively simple trigger logic.

    Machine Monitoring Terminal

    The machine monitoring terminal is another great simple solution for monitoring and managing machine performance. This can be further streamlined with usage of the Tulip Machine Kit.

    Inventory Management

    The inventory management app includes a basic method for creating and updating inventory levels in Tulip. This is an excellent starting point prior to integrating with an ERP.

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