Training Management
    • 12 Jun 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Training Management

    Article summary

    To download the app, visit: Library

    Purpose of this article

    The purpose of the article is to present the main functions of the Training Management app suite and guide the user on how to use these functions. It includes the configuration steps that are essential for using the apps and some options for personalizing the apps as well. In addition, it describes the Tulip Tables used by the applications and how these tables can be used to connect to other applications.

    Purpose of the Training Management app suite

    This app suite is designed in a composable way. This means that it is designed so that users can use it individually or in combination with other applications (see in Options for connecting the app with other applications section).

    The app suite comprises four apps: Training Manager, Theoretical Training Template, Practical Training Template, and Training Terminal.

    The Training Manager app allows you to view training sessions, assign trainings to users, and monitor completed trainings along with their respective metadata. It also offers analytics about trainings and a skill matrix for an overview of all in-progress and completed trainings.

    The Theoretical Training Template is designed for creating training sessions that focus on theoretical knowledge. After completing the training, users can undergo a self-assessment and conclude the training session without supervisor approval.

    The Practical Training Template is dedicated to practical training sessions. Following the training and self-assessment, supervisor approval is necessary for the completion of the training.

    The Training Terminal allows users to navigate between the training sessions assigned to them.

    Tulip Tables Used by the Training Management app suite

    All the tables used by the applications in the Training app suite are part of Tulip’s Common Data Model.

    The two main tables used by this application are the Trainings table (Operational Artifact) and the instance's default users table. In the Trainings table, all records are defined by a training session and a user. The status field indicates if the user is trained, and the ‘valid from’ and ‘valid to’ date variables enable scheduling and alerting for trainings.

    Additionally, if the user wants to see the performance metrics of one of their users to update their training status, the app needs to read metrics from another table. In the template, this table is the Station Activity History table (Log), which is recommended for better performance visibility. Each record in this table represents a production period with its duration, the required, actual, and defective parts manufactured, and an assigned user. Data in this table allows the training manager to evaluate the user’s performance for a given operation/product and update their training status in the Trainings table based on their judgment.

    Fileds of (Operational Artifact) Trainings

    • ID: unique identifier
    • Training ID: name of the training, Unique ID of the Training definition
    • Description: Description of the training
    • Type: Classification of training
    • Status: Status of the task (EXPIRED, ASSIGNED, COMPLETED)
    • Operator: User the task has been assigned to
    • Due date: Due date for completing the training
    • Valid from: Date when the training was completed
    • Valid to: Expiration date of the “trained” status of the user for the given reference
    • Reference: Material Definiton, Asset or Operation that the training certifies the user for

    Configuration and customization

    In-app help

    As with all applications in the Training app suite, the Training Manager app includes in-app help as well. These are short descriptions of the Required setup steps and App builder tips to support further customization. After downloading the app make sure to read these instructions and then delete them before running the application.

    Tables that provide data input

    To be able to use the applications some tables need to be populated. In this specific case, the ‘Users' table needs to include all the operators to be trained. The second table is the Trainings table which serves as the input to most of the analytics in this app and includes the list of trainings as the unique values of the Training field.

    Options for connecting the app with other applications

    Training Terminal

    [Training Terminal - find it in the Training App Suite in Tulip Library]

    The training terminal’s users are operators who have been assigned a training. In the Training Terminal, they can see all their pieces of training and they can select and open a training that they would like to complete.

    Theoretical Training Template

    [Training Terminal - find it in the Training App Suite in Tulip Library]

    The steps of this template are to be filled with the training content in the form of videos, text, GIFs images, or PDF documents.
    Make sure the app's names are the same as the name of the training so the training terminal can see them and navigate to them.

    Practical Training Template

    The steps of this template are to be filled with training content in the form of videos, text, GIFs images or PDF documents. AT the end of the application there are performance metrics shown to the trainee and the trainer as well. Based on these, the trainee can continue practicing or the training completion can be approved by the trainer.
    Make sure the app's names are the same as the name of the training so the training terminal can see them and navigate to them.

    Execution App

    By inserting an ‘Unauthorized user’ step in the Order Execution application of the Composable MES App Suite or to any other operation execution app, the app can check whether the user is trained for the particular operation/product.
    Make sure that you add the right references to the Trainings table and filter them in the Order Execution app.

    Training Manager

    In the app, you can view training sessions, assign trainings to users, and see the completed trainings of operators along with the training metadata. Users can also view analytics about trainings and access a skill matrix for an overview of all in-progress and completed trainings.

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