What is a Step?
  • 30 Sep 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

What is a Step?

Article summary


Steps are different views of your app.

Think about steps similar to slides of a presentation, they can be configured to show different content to operators. Importantly, steps don't need to be walked through chronologically by users. Triggers can move users through steps in any order.

Steps can have their own set of automated logic.

Types of Steps


Normal Steps

App Steps will make up most of your application. Steps can be adjusted in just about any way to fit your needs. Any Widgets can be added to a normal steps.

Steps can also have Triggers added that run when the step is first displayed, or when the step is complete. Read more about step-level triggers here.

Form Steps


As of r235, Form steps have been disabled for all new Tulip Instances. Reach out to support@tulip.co to enable Form Steps on your instance.

Form Steps streamline data collection use cases but lack much of the flexibility and reusability of normal steps.

Form steps are only recommended for cases where the use case is heavily reliant on data collection and where extensive customization of functionality isn't required.

Step Groups

Step Groups are folders for app steps primarily to help organize your applications. Step groups can be added within step groups, to further organize your applications.

Step Groups.png

Additionally, step groups can be leveraged to do bulk operations like rearranging/duplicating steps and printing step groups.

Base Layout

The Base Layout is the base template that all other steps will be built on top of. Establishing common navigation buttons, and a consistent app background and style across all of your app steps can expedite the training and app-building processes.

Additionally, Base layout steps can have their own Step level Triggers, enabling you to add logic that will run throughout your application.

Further Reading

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