Lean Dashboard Widgets
    • 15 Nov 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Lean Dashboard Widgets

    Article summary

    Visualize cell performance across 5 key KPIS (People, Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost).

    Replace traditional paper-based shift dashboards with the lean dashboard Widget.



    Use this Widget as a quick reference to visualize cell performance, typically on a large dashboard screen or touch screen. Operators or supervisors can update the status for the day by clicking the widget, with green indicating a good result and red indicating a poor result.

    Data is stored in a table for historical reference. It allows one board to show multiple locations as well as data for multiple months.

    The lean dashboard widget enables full historical data capture for future trends and root-cause problem solving. It allows for cross-cell and cross-plant transparency without additional manual consolidation of data.

    Each letter shows the days for the selected month (future days are gray). The widget displays a green for a good day and red for a poor day. The widget doesn't define tolerences for good or bad; this will need to be defined by the app builder as part of the solution design. The click interaction of the widget can be disabled.




    ProptypeDescriptionConfig notes
    INCIDENTStextThe values that will be displayed. String of “Y” and “N” characters. One character per day. Y = green. N = redIf value is Null, the widget will default to a string of “N” of the right length for the month selected
    MONTHDatetimeA datetime in the month that you want the widget to be configured forFuture days will be disabled and colored grey
    LOCATIONtextThe location that the data coresponds toDisplayed in the widget title
    PREVENT UPDATESBooleanTo disable the click action from updating the Incidents propA click event is still generated


    EventsTypeDescriptionConfig notes
    clickedtextReturns the day clicked as an eventCould be used as a config message or to update an external data base
    errortextReturns the text of error events if and when the error occurs

    You can configure these widgets to other letters and shapes as you see fit.

    Further Reading

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