List of Actions and Transitions in the Trigger Editor
  • 10 Nov 2022
  • 11 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

List of Actions and Transitions in the Trigger Editor

Article summary

The full list of Actions and Transitions that are available in the dropdown menus in the Trigger Editor


The Trigger Editor allows you to write powerful logic within your frontline operations app. It allows you to create Actions that incorporate many other parts of the Tulip platform, like:

  • Station names
  • Badge IDs
  • Connector functions
  • ...and much more.

There are three types of statements you can create:

When: Determine when the trigger can run
If: Determine whether an action should run or not
Then: Specify which actions should be triggered by a certain event.

This guide will cover the full list of possibilities for each type of statement. If you would like to learn how to create a Trigger, check out this separate guide

List of Actions and Transitions



Fire upon specific event from connected device

timer fires

Fire event on pre-determined time intervals


Fire event when step is open and event occurs in machine that is actively monitored

step is opened

Fire upon Step opening

step is closed

Fire upon Step closing

button is pressed

Fire upon operator pressing a button



Check whether a table contains a record with a specific ID

Table Record

Check whether a table record loaded into the app has a field with a specific value

Expression, Static Value, Variable

Check or compare any of these values to another variable or static value


Check if a User Field contains a specific value

App Info

Use a value from any of these metadata that are determined when the app is run in the Player:

  • Logged In User: Select from a list of Tulip users
  • Logged In User/Badge ID: The badge ID of the logged-in user
  • Logged In User/Name: The name of the logged-in user
  • Time Elapsed on Step: The total amount of time spent on a specific step
  • Time Elapsed on Current Step: The total amount of time spent on the current step
  • Time Elapsed on App: The total amount of time spent in the app during this runtime
  • App Name: The name of the app
  • App Version: The current version of the app
  • Station Name: The name of the station where the app is running
  • Step Name: The name of the current step
  • Step Name: The name of the current step group
  • Shift Name: The name of the current shift, as defined in the Schedules tool
  • Current Date And Time: The date/time when the app was started
  • Target Cycle Time For Current Step: The specified expected cycle time for the step that the operator is viewing
  • Target Cycle Time for App: The specified cycle time for the whole app

Then (Actions)


Manipulate an existing Array that is stored in a Variable using common array methods.

  • Clear Array
  • Concatenate Array
  • Get from index in array
  • Get length of array
  • Join to String
  • Pop From array
  • Push onto array
  • Set index in array

Data Manipulation

Modify a Variable or a Table Record that is loaded into the app. This is one of the most common uses of the Trigger Editor.

  • Clear: Clear the value of a variable or field in a Table Record
  • Store: Store a specific value in a variable or field in a Table Record
  • Increment Value: Increase a number by a specific amount in a variable or field in a Table Record
  • Decrement Value: Decrease a number by a specific amount in a variable or field in a Table Record

Logout Current User

Logout the current user and return to the login screen. Frequently used for security purposes.

Open Link

Load a specific website in new window in Google Chrome

Play Sound

Play a predetermined sound through the user's speakers

Player Menu

Choose one of these three actions:

  • Open Menu: Open the default player menu
  • Open Comments: Allow the operator to add a comment on the specific step that is open
  • Pause App: Pause the timer that tracks time spent in the app. Used for bathroom breaks etc.

Print Steps

Print the step on the screen using the computer's default print dialog

Run Connector Function

Run a Connector Function that has been created using the Connectors feature

Run Device Function

Run a specific function with a connected device that is attached to an Edge Devices at the same Station as the app.

Scan Optical Barcode

Presents the operator with prompt to scan a barcode via the webcam on their laptop or tablet

Send Email

Send a text email to a Tulip administrator

Send SMS

Send a text to a Tulip administrator that has added their phone number

Send SMS With Image

Send a text and image to a Tulip administrator that has added their phone number

Show Error

Show a red error message at the bottom of the Player

Show Message

Show a yellow information message at the bottom of the Player

Split String

Split a string based on a specific delimiter into an array and store it in a variable

Table Record

Create or load a new table record using a Record Placeholder that has been defined in the App Editor.

  • Create Record
  • Create or Load Record
  • Load Record
  • Delete Record
  • Clear Record Placeholder

Then (Transitions)


Cancel, Complete, log out or complete and go to splash screen.

  • Cancelling the app does not save any data.
  • Completing the app stores data and returns to the first step and immediately runs the app again.
  • The splash screen forces the operator to press "Begin" before starting the app.
  • Logging out the current user will exit the app and return the badge ID entry screen

Go To Step

Go to the next, previous or a specific Step. Can go to a step with a specific name

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