



Actions are different operations that can be executed in Triggers. Actions cannot move users to other apps, or other steps. 

Many Actions can be added to a single Trigger.

ex. Store the value of variable x to table field y, Print app step, Adjust Edge device GPIO pin.

Action Block

Action Block

Type of logic block that manipulates data or alerts users.



Actions are different operations that can be executed in Triggers. Actions cannot move users to other apps, or other steps. 

Many Actions can be added to a single Trigger.

ex. Store the value of variable x to table field y, Print app step, Adjust Edge device GPIO pin.


Table Aggregation

Aggregations are calculations on top of table data, this can include things like the average value of a column within a Tulip Table. 


Table Aggregations

Aggregations are calculations on top of table data, this can include things like the average value of a column within a Tulip Table. 



An analysis is a live updating combination of a data query and a visualisation. It allows to show metrics based on app completion data, Tulip Table data, or machine data. Analyses can be embedded and dynamically filtered within apps, placed on dashboards and shared via a direct link

Example - Bar chart



An analysis is a live updating combination of a data query and a visualisation. It allows to show metrics based on app completion data, Tulip Table data, or machine data. Analyses can be embedded and dynamically filtered within apps, placed on dashboards and shared via a direct link

Example - Bar chart



Analytics are live updating graphs and metrics calculated based on app data, Table data, and machine data. Analytics can be embedded and dynamically filtered within an application.



Analytics are live updating graphs and metrics calculated based on app data, Table data, and machine data. Analytics can be embedded and dynamically filtered within an application.

API Call

API Call

An API call is a message sent to a server asking an API to provide a service or information.

App Editor

App Editor

The web interface used for building applications. Where you design a user interface, add logic, and connect your applications to Tables

App Info

App Info

App Info is a subset of the data available within an application automatically. This data can be used both in Widgets and Triggers. This includes the current date and time, the app name, the app version, the current shift, and more.

App Level Triggers

App-Level Triggers

App-level Triggers are triggers that are configured with each app. App-level triggers can be triggered based on 3 actions:

  1. App Started
  2. App Cancelled
  3. App Completed
App Tab

App Tab

The App Tab is the Context Pane tab where you will adjust all of the App-level settings, including App Triggers, App background, App resolution, and more. 



A mechanism for ensuring that applications are reviewed and approved before publication. Approvals types can be configured under the settings menu. Specific approvals may be applied to an application on the application homescreen. 



Arrays are a Tulip Datatype. Arrays are a list of other variables. Every element in an array must be the same type. 

Arrays are very useful when managing multiple values that represent the same information.

ex. The measurements of 10 quality checks can be stored in an Array of Numbers, as opposed to 10 Number variables. 



Attributes are properties. In Tulip, an attribute generally references a property of a machine. Attributes can be either set points or actuals. 

Ex. Cycle time, Spindle speed, Feed rate, ect.



Workflow that performs tasks in the background, without an interface. Automations run logic every time an event occurs.

Automations Editor

Automations Editor

Visual editor for managing and creating automations within the Tulip platform.


Base Layout

Base Layout

The Base Layout is the base template that all other Steps will be built on top of. Establishing common navigation buttons, and a consistent app background and style across all of your app steps can expedite the training and app-building processes. 


Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials is the list of items needed to complete an assembly. 



Boolean's are a Tulip Datatype. Booleans can have True/False (Yes/No) values.


Camera Configuration

Camera Configuration

Camera Configurations are statically set detectors and their associated settings that can be applied to one or many cameras. 


App Cancel

App Cancels are a restart of an application without storing its data in a Table.

By default, after a cancellation users will be brought back to the Begin Screen of your application. This behavior can be adjusted with other Transition types.



A certificate is used in place of a username and password for user authentication.

Change Detector

Change Detector

Using the Change Detector, you can monitor pre-defined regions on your camera's stream for changes occurring in real time. You can then use these changes, or events, to build logic within your app.



Classification is the problem of identifying which of a set of categories a Tulip Vision Snapshot belongs to. 

ex. Given a Vision Snapshot, tell me what type of defect this part has.



Colors are a Tulip Datatype to represent a color. Color variables can support transparent or semi-transparent colors. 


App Completion

App Completions are a mechanism to store immutable data from a Tulip app. When an app is completed, all Variable's current values will be stored in the app completions tab. This completion data can be analyzed in Analytics.

By default, after a Completion users will be brought back to the Begin Screen of your application. This behavior can be adjusted with other Transition types.


App Completion

App Completions are a mechanism to store immutable data from a Tulip app. When an app is completed, all Variable's current values will be stored in the app completions tab. This completion data can be analyzed in Analytics.

By default, after a Completion users will be brought back to the Begin Screen of your application. This behavior can be adjusted with other Transition types.



Composability in software is the concept that resources, logic, and assets can be reused throughout solutions. When this comes to Tulip, Compostability matters when developing apps and data architecture that can be used by multiple teams, facilities, and roles.



Connectors are how your Tulip apps can connect to other systems. Connectors can make API calls with HTTP Connectors, or pull data directly from SQL databases. Additionally OPC-UA Connectors can be used to retrieve Machine data.

Once pulled, data can be used throughout your applications.

Connector Function

Connector Function

Connector Functions are individual operations to interact with an HTTP or SQL Datasources. Functions can have inputs and outputs, and can be called from Triggers.

Once pulled, data can be used throughout your applications.

Connector Host

Connector Host

Tulip Connector Hosts are designed to allow your Tulip Apps to interface with external systems such as databases, APIs, and machines. On-Prem Connector Hosts sit within your network and allow Tulip to interface with SQL databases and APIs that aren't accessible to the cloud.

Context Pane

Context Pane

The Context Pane is the configuration pane on the right side of the App Editor where steps, apps, and widgets can be configured. Triggers can be added to adjust widget behavior.




Datetimes are a Tulip Datatype. Datetimes represent a time in the ISO8601 format. 

ex. 2022-08-31T19:56:16+00:00

Decision Block

Decision Block

Type of logic block that holds conditional logic. This logic block always has 2 branches coming out of it labeled “yes” and “no”.

Developer Mode

Developer Mode

Developer Mode is a dedicated interface to test your applications. Dev mode doesn't write to Tables or create Completions so production data isn't impacted. 

Development Version

Development Version

The Dev Version of a Tulip app is the work-in-progress of your application after an app has been published. If a Station is assigned to run the Development version of an application, it will see live changes as they are made in the app editor.

Generally, Stations running in production will be running the Published Version of an Application.



Devices are tools or pieces of hardware that are integrated into Tulip applications. Examples include barcode scanners, digital scales, or Zebra printers. Devices must be connected to applications on the Shop Floor pages after an application has been assigned a Station. Not to be confused with Display Devices, or the interfaces through which an end user accesses an application.

Device Portal

Device Portal

The Device Portal is the home where you can configure Light Kits, and Device Drivers, see Edge Device network status, and more. 

Digital History Record

Digital Record History Widget

The DRH Widget allows users to review the changes that have occurred to a Record. Traceability to changes is critical in a GxP Environment.

Digital Record History

Digital Record History Widget

The DRH Widget allows users to review the changes that have occurred to a Record. Traceability to changes is critical in a GxP Environment.

Display Device

Interface (Display Device)

Note: From r283 onwards, display devices are renamed interfaces.

Users interact with Tulip applications through physical devices like touchscreens, PC monitors, mobile devices, and LCD screens. We refer to these as display devices. Display devices are always paired with a station during the application publication process.

Dot Notation

Dot Notation

Dot notation is a way to access a property of an object. Structure dot notation by using the name of an object, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the property.

Example: data.Id.datetime


Edge Device

Edge Device

Edge Devices are any hardware intended to connect physical things to the cloud. This can include entirely mechanical devices, older machines without network functionality, PLCs, and more.

Tulip sells the Edge IO and Edge MC that interface directly into Triggers in a breeze, but Tulip can also support other Edge Devices.

Edge Devices

Edge Devices

Edge Devices are any hardware intended to connect physical things to the cloud. This can include entirely mechanical devices, older machines without network functionality, PLCs, and more.

Tulip sells the Edge IO and Edge MC that interface directly into Triggers in a breeze, but Tulip can also support other Edge Devices.

Edge IO

Edge IO

Edge IO is a Tulip-developed Edge Device. Interface with digital inputs directly from Triggers, flip digital outputs, run Node-RED flows, and more!

Edge IO can also act as a Connector Host or OPC-UA Broker

Edge MC

Edge IO

Edge MC is a Tulip-developed Edge Device. run Node-RED flows on dedicated hardware with built-in security and stability.

Edge Mc can also act as a Connector Host or OPC-UA Broker


Electronic Digital History Record

E-DHR allows users to review the changes that have occurred to a Record. Traceability to changes is critical in a GxP Environment.

Electronic Signature

Electronic Signatures

In regulated environments (GxP) getting a user signature to the accuracy of data is critical for process validation. The E-Sig Widget allows users to collect user signatures along with associated metadata. 



An environment is a set of parameters that match specific configurations for tests. An environment includes API endpoints and authentication profiles for REST, SOAP, and GraphQL services, as well as database connection settings, custom project properties, and parameters of connection to JMS servers.



Events are Triggers fired by Custom Widgets. Users can configure as many Events as they want, and events can carry a payload of data to be used in a Trigger.



A configured code snippet that returns a calculated value based on certain inputs. Expressions have access to all of the variables, Table Records, and any other data available to an application. 



Table Record Field

Table Record Fields are single columns within a Tulip Table.

Form Step

Form Step

Form Steps are a special type of Step that is designed specifically for data entry. They lack some of the flexibility of normal steps but can streamline app creation.

Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.

Form Steps have been disabled for every new instance in r235/LTS9.

Functional Example

Functional Example

Functional Examples are intended to explain the right approach to core Tulip use cases.  Functional example applications cover the core applications, their underlying data models, and ways those concepts can be extended when combined with others. 

Functional Example apps aren't intended to be run in production, but rather as tools to learn the underlying concepts needed to implement core Tulip use cases. 




Good X Practice. An abbreviation collecting many of the core principles of Life Sciences compliance.


  • GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice
  • GLP - Good Laboratory Practice
  • GDP - Good Distribution Practice




Headers represent the meta-data associated with the API request and response. They are an extra source of information for each API call you make and should be the first source to inspect when you encounter issues with an API to help troubleshoot issues.




Images are a Tulip Datatype. Images are a reference to a web-hosted location for all Tulip Images.



An input is transmission of data from a data set to a program.

Input Widget

Input Widget

Input widgets are a set of Widgets specifically designed for users to enter information. Input widgets must be associated with a location where the user input is stored. 


Tulip Instance

A Tulip customer account. Your instance can be found at https://[your-instance]

When your instance is referenced, we are just talking about your Tulip account on an organization-level, not user-level.



Integers are a Tulip Datatype. Integers can have any whole number.

ex. -5, 15, 47, 155. NOT 15.2, -12.73


Interface (Display Device)

Users interact with Tulip applications through physical devices like touchscreens, PC monitors, mobile devices, and LCD screens. We refer to these as interfaces. Interfaces must be assigned to a station in order to run applications.



Interval is a Tulip Datatype. Intervals represent pieces of time, represented in seconds. Intervals can be added or subtracted from Datetime variables.




Jigs are 2D fiducial marks that Tulip Vision can identify. A Jig entering a Vision Region can trigger app logic. 



JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight, text-based data format that is used to store and transfer data.



Chart Layers

Layers are visualizations on top of Tulip Analytics that help drive insights.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol network.

Linked Placeholder

Linked Placeholder

Linked Placeholder are one of the Context Pane settings for the Interactive Table Widget and Record History WidgetThis setting can be tied to a Table Record Placeholder, and when users select a row in the Widget, that record is loaded into the mapped Record Placeholder. 

Linked Record

Linked Records

Linked Records are interconnections between multiple Tulip Tables. Fields in one Table can be mapped to another table. 

Linked records simplify traceability, genealogy, and data association for more advanced Tulip apps and app suites.

Logic Block

Logic Block

Event, action, or decision in an Automation.

Logic Editor

Logic Editor

Visual editor for managing and creating logic for Automations.


Long Term Support

LTS or Long Term Support is a product lifecycle management policy where the software is maintained longer than the standard cycle. This software maintenance cycle is typically for customers in highly regulated environments to reduce the introduction of new risks that come with new software and patch releases.





A Machine is a digital representation of a physical datasource. Machines have Attributes that are updated through an OPC-UA Connector or the Tulip API.

Machine Attribute

Machine Attribute

Machine Attributes are setpoints and actual values for different parameters of your Machine. Attributes can be mapped to OPC-UA datasource Tags.

Machine Type

Machine Type

Machine Types are global definitions of what data to expect from machines of different types. Each Machine Type will have different states, triggers, and attributes.
EX. We have 5 makes/models of CNC mill, but they all have the same set of attributes (Spindle speed, feed rate, etc.) These can all be combined into a single "CNC Mill" Machine Type


Vision Model

Vision Models are user-trained logic to identify parts, defects, features, and more from a Tulip Vision camera feed. 

Tulip offers 2 types of models:

  • Classification - Identify what group an image is in
  • Detection - Do something when a specific change happens.


Node RED


Node-RED is an open-source flow-based logic language that runs natively on Edge IO and Edge MC. The Node-RED community has developed 3500+ libraries to interface with just about anything!



Number is a Tulip Datatype. Numbers can be any positive or negative number. Numbers support decimals. 

ex. -5, 15, 47, 155, 15.2, -12.73




Objects are a Tulip Datatype. Objects represent an arbitrary grouping of attributes. Leveraging objects can simplify the process of working with complex data architectures. Often Connector Functions will return Arrays of Objects

ex. My car object has 5 attributes, Color, Make, Model, # of wheels, # of seats.



OPC Unified Architecture is a cross-platform, open-source, IEC62541 standard for data exchange from sensors to cloud applications developed by the OPC Foundation.

Operational Artifact
Operational ArtifactAn operational artifact is a tangible or intangible element or component that enables or supports operations.


An output is the transmission of data from a program to a data set.




Settings for controlling which users have access to specific applications. Use permissions to ensure that only approved users are able to access published applications in production settings. 

Physical Artifact
Physical ArtifactA physical artifact is a tangible object in your facility or a component used or produced during operations. When a physical artifact's state changes or updates, this change is reflected in the record (e.g. status change).
Pick To Light

Pick to Light

Pick-To-Light is a very common use case for Tulip in discrete assembly use cases. Users are walked through an assembly process, and a Light kit lights the bins each user needs to pick components from.


Tulip Player

Tulip Player is the Windows/Mac executable program where users can run Tulip apps. Tulip player allows you to create a more seamless user experience by removing the need for a web browser, and allows increased IT controls.



Props are the inputs to Custom Widgets. Probs can be either read-only or read-write.



In JavaScript, a property is a member of an object that associates a key with a value. 

Published Version

Published Version

The Published Version of a Tulip app is a complete version of your Application. When an app is ready to be run in production, its logic can be frozen by Publishing that app. One application can have multiple published versions. If a Station is assigned to run the Published version of an application, it will only see changes when they are published.



Table Query

Table Queries are a mechanism to filter and sort Tulip Tables. Queries can either be filtered based on static values or dynamically based on app input. 

Queried data can be displayed directly within the interactive table widget. 


Table Query

Table Queries are a mechanism to filter and sort Tulip Tables. Queries can either be filtered based on static values or dynamically based on app input. 

Queried data can be displayed directly within the interactive table widget.



Table Record

A Table Record is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from with an App Trigger.

To edit a record it must be loaded into a Table Record Placeholder.

Record Placeholder

Table Record Placeholder

A Table Record Placeholder is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from an App Trigger.

Records Tab

Records Tab

The Records Tab is the location where you can define all of the Tulip Tables associated with an App.

Once connected, Table Record placeholders can be created, along with Queries and Aggregations.



Regions are user-established parts of a camera view within Tulip Vision. Detectors can be added to individual regions, and when that detector is triggered, app logic can be executed. Multiple regions can be established in a single camera view.



Occurs each time an event is invoked in an automation.



Security Assertion Markup Language

Security Assertion Markup Language is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. Within Tulip, SAML can be used to authenticate Users.

Shop Floor

Shop Floor

The area of the platform responsible for moving applications into production. Under the shop floor, you can manage Stations, Edge Devices, and the app publication details such as which Version is accessible to users, which Devices are connected to the app, and which Interface (display device) the app is run on. 



In regulated environments (GxP) getting a user signature to the accuracy of data is critical for process validation. The E-Sig Widget allows users to collect user signatures along with associated metadata. 



Snapshots are the capture of a single frame of a camera running Tulip Vision. These image captures can be stored to tables, passed to external APIs, and more. 


Single Sign On

Single sign-on is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. True single sign-on allows the user to log in once and access services without re-entering authentication factors

Static Value

Static Value

Static values are unchanging values that can be used within Triggers. Static values can be of any Variable type. 



Stations are a digital representation of a physical place or device in your facility. Stations are 1:1 with Interfaces (display devices) running Tulip Player, but Stations can also be assigned Edge Devices, Tulip Vision Camera Configurations, Machines, and more.

Station Group

Station Group

A higher-level grouping of Stations within an instance. Useful for application management and bulk station configuration. 



A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process. 

Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.

Step Group

Step Group

Step Groups are a mechanism to organize and group individual steps. Step groups can be duplicated/deleted and reordered like individual steps.

Step Groups

Step Groups

Step Groups are a mechanism to organize and group individual steps. Step groups can be duplicated/deleted and reordered like individual steps.

Step level Triggers

Step-Level Trigger

A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:

  1. Step Opened
  2. Every X seconds (Timer)
  3. Machine/Device outputs data
  4. Step Exited
Step Tab

Step Tab

The Step Tab is the Context Pane tab where you will adjust all of the Step-level settings, including Step Triggers, Step background, Step resolution, and more.



A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process. 

Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.

Steps Tab

Steps Tab

The Steps Tab is the home to see all of the steps (or views) in your application. From here App steps can be selected to edit them. 



Tulip Tables

Tulip Tables are a global location to store your production data. Tables are made up of Records (rows). A single can be accessed from multiple apps or stations at the same time.  

Table Aggregation

Table Aggregations

Aggregations are calculations on top of table data, this can include things like the average value of a column within a Tulip Table.

Table Record

Table Record

A Table Record is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from with an App Trigger.

To edit a record it must be loaded into a Table Record Placeholder.

Table Record Field

Table Record Field

Table Record Fields are single columns within a Tulip Table.

Table Record Placeholder

Table Record Placeholder

A Table Record Placeholder is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from an App Trigger.


Tulip Tables

Tulip Tables are a global location to store your production data. Tables are made up of Records (rows). A single can be accessed from multiple apps or stations at the same time.  



A task is the work done by an Action Block or the conditions within a Decision Block.


this is a test


Widget Toolbar

The Widget Toolbar Is the menu where widgets can be found and added to your application. 



Transitions are different operations that can be executed in Triggers. Actions can only move users to other apps, or other steps. 

Only 1 Transition can be added to a single Trigger.

ex. Complete this app, then go to app x. Move to the next step, etc.



Transitions are different operations that can be executed in Triggers. Actions can only move users to other apps, or other steps. 

Only 1 Transition can be added to a single Trigger.

ex. Complete this app, then go to app x. Move to the next step, etc. 



Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.

Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.



Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.

Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.

Tulip Player

Tulip Player

Tulip Player is the Windows/Mac executable program where users can run Tulip apps. Tulip player allows you to create a more seamless user experience by removing the need for a web browser and allows increased IT controls.

Tulip Solution Credo

Tulip Solution Credo

The Tulip Solution Credo principles guide solution design and development. These principles (Simplicity, Adoptable, Human-centric, and Focused) result in composable solutions that promote sustainability, intuitiveness, and increased value for operators.

Tulip University

Tulip University

Tulip University is a free resource to guide Tulip users through learning the Tulip. 30+ courses cover everything from the basics to Connector Functions and Edge Devices. 

Enroll in your first course at


Universal Template

Universal Template

A visualization template for data to be interpreted into various analyses.



User is a Tulip Datatype. Users represent a single user in your Tulip Instance. User variables include attributes like Badge Id, Name, and Shift.




Variables are a location to store app information. Variables have a specific type that must match the contents they can store. 

Variables are only accessible within a single application and are cleared when the app is restarted or completed.



Variables are a location to store app information. Variables have a specific type that must match the contents they can store. 

Variables are only accessible within a single application and are cleared when the app is restarted or completed. 


Published Version

The Published Version of a Tulip app is a complete version of your Application. When an app is ready to be run in production, its logic can be frozen by Publishing that app. One application can have multiple published versions. If a Station is assigned to run the Published version of an application, it will only see changes when they are published.


Tulip Vision

Vision is a simple no-code tool to use cameras for visual inspection, process adherence, equipment, personnel,  and material tracking on the shop floor.


Web Player

Web Player

The Tulip Web player can run Tulip directly in a web browser. This expands the list of devices that can run Tulip apps.  



Widgets are the elements that make up a specific App Step. Widgets can display information to users, collect user input, or trigger app logic. 

Common widgets include: Interactive Tables, Number inputs, Machine attribute widgets, and more.

Widget Tab

Widget Tab

The Widget Tab is the Context Pane tab where you will adjust all of the Widget-level settings, including Widget Triggers, Widget Datasource, Widget Contents, and more. 



Widgets are the elements that make up a specific App Step. Widgets can display information to users, collect user input, or trigger app logic. 

Common widgets include: Interactive Tables, Number inputs, Machine attribute widgets, and more. 



General term to describe a series of logic in Tulip including apps or automations.



Workspaces are a model within Tulip to separate Tulip assets to match the places where work is being done. A workspace should represent a single facility, line, or department. With workspaces, users across facilities can easily collaborate, share their solutions, and improve their global operations.