Step level triggers are activated by events. As the name implies, Step level Triggers live at the Step level. Each Step has its own list of step level triggers. These triggers will only run when their step is displayed. Step level Triggers can also be added to the Base Layout, these triggers will run on every step.
You can also configure how triggers respond to the previous triggers failing, once you add more than one trigger. Clicking the toggle allows users to determine which subsequent triggers will not execute if a previous trigger fails.
On Step enter is a great time to initialize any data needed for a specific.
Timer triggers are great for doing periodic checks that can be run in the background without user intervention.
Machine and Device triggers are critical when working with many user input devices, like barcode scanners.
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process.
Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Base Layout
The Base Layout is the base template that all other Steps will be built on top of. Establishing common navigation buttons, and a consistent app background and style across all of your app steps can expedite the training and app-building processes. 
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Step Tab
In the Side Pane, the Step Tab is where you can adjust all of the Step-level settings, including Step Triggers, Step background, Step resolution, and more.
Side Pane (Context Pane)
The Side Pane is the configuration pane on the right side of the App Editor where steps, apps, and widgets can be configured. Triggers can be added to adjust widget behavior.
Step-Level Trigger
A step-level trigger is a trigger configured with each app step. Step-level triggers can be triggered based on 4 actions:
- Step Opened
- Every X seconds (Timer)
- Machine/Device outputs data
- Step Exited
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process.
Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.
A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process.
Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.
Tulip Tables
Tulip Tables are a global location to store your production data. Tables are made up of Records (rows). A single can be accessed from multiple apps or stations at the same time. .gif)
Table Record Placeholder
A Table Record Placeholder is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from an App Trigger.
Table Record
A Table Record is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from with an App Trigger.
To edit a record it must be loaded into a Table Record Placeholder.
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
Attributes are properties. In Tulip, an attribute generally references a property of a machine. Attributes can be either set points or actuals.
Ex. Cycle time, Spindle speed, Feed rate, ect.
Table Record
A Table Record is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from with an App Trigger.
To edit a record it must be loaded into a Table Record Placeholder.
A view your users will see within an application. Steps can be viewed chronologically or in whatever order best fits your process.
Steps can be grouped into Step Groups to manage and organize your app Steps.
Triggers are the mechanism to do things in Tulip Apps. Store data, move users between Steps, Interface with hardware, Etc.
Triggers can be added to widgets, machines, devices, apps, and steps.
Table Record
A Table Record is a reference to a row in a Tulip Table. Table Records can be created either from the Table UI or from with an App Trigger.
To edit a record it must be loaded into a Table Record Placeholder.