Vision Trial FAQ
  • 18 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

Vision Trial FAQ

Article summary

Learn how to sign up for Tulip's Computer Vision

Tulip Vision Trial

For professional and up plans, you can log in and create as many camera configurations, detectors, IP cameras, or models as they like. You can deploy vision to three stations for free for the next few months (until September 16th, 2024). For new customers, their stations will expire two months from instance creation.

During this period, you will receive a message about hitting their station assignment limit if they reach it. After two months, your vision configurations will automatically be de-assigned.


How can I sign up for more Vision Stations or extend my current stations?

The vision add-on costs $1200/station/year. We would also recommend having a chat with your Tulip representative about your vision licenses.

What if I have hit my station limit?

If you run into these messages:


Account owners should also be able to see the amount of vision stations that you have deployed on the account usage page. See here for adding Vision Stations.

What if I don't sign up for Computer Vision?

After expiration, we will only support cameras that have been configured. So your functionality should remain in a working condition. You won’t be able to add any more cameras to newer stations though.

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