Kamishibai Quality Audit
    • 16 Jan 2024
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    Kamishibai Quality Audit

    Article summary

    To download the app, visit: Library

    Perform simple quality audits with pass / fail cards to improve shopfloor 5S


    The Kamishibai quality audit app enables frontline leaders to perform visual quality audits in their operations easily. This article provides an overview of using the quality audit app and related apps (Kamishibai Card Management)


    The Kamishibai Quality Audit app requires the Kamishibai Card Management App for card creation and updates. Installing the Kamishibai apps also installs all the relevant tables and analytics.

    Operationally, users should have a rough awareness of 5S and Kamishibai quality audits. Check out this blog for more Kamishibai Context

    How it works

    The app has mobile and tablet versions. When running the app, the user selects the location to audit. The app then queries all cards that are due for an audit (Based upon the audit frequency details in the card -- Managed in the Kamishibai Card Management app). The user then completes all relevant quality audits

    Tables Used

    The following tables are used in the Kamishibai Quality Audit app:

    • (Definition) Tasks
    • (Log) Inspection Results
    • (Definition) Locations

    (Definition) Tasks: This table is used for defining the quality audit tasks for each location

    (Log) Inspection Results: This table shows a summary of all inspection results and timing

    (Definition) Locations: This table contains all details of locations for card audits

    Overall App Flow

    1. A location is selected for quality audits
    2. Cards requiring audit are filtered and looped through the app
    3. The app contains both mobile and tablet versions of the quality audit views
    4. After the quality audits are completed, overview analyses are shown on the Kamishibai Card Management app for supervisors.
      quality audit flow.png

    Further Reading

    Now that you have mastered Kamishibai, check out these other documents to extend your knowledge

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