How To Compare Defects by Type and by Day using the "Compare By" Field
    • 30 Sep 2022
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    How To Compare Defects by Type and by Day using the "Compare By" Field

    Article summary

    How To Compare Defects by Type and by Day using the "Compare By" Field

    Here's how to use the "Compare By" field in the Analytics Editor.

    In our earlier guide to building Pareto charts we discussed how to analyze common defects with the "One Operation" template using the popular Pareto chart format.

    However, in that guide, you could only separate the data based on one parameter- the type of defect stored in a variable.

    What if you wanted to segment the data in multiple ways? For example, what if you wanted to see which types of defects were most common on each day of production?

    To accomplish this, you can use the "Compare By" field in the Context Pane of the Analytics Editor. This guide will show you how to combine that field with the "X Axis" field to further segment your data.

    Here's how to build this analysis with the "One Operation" template.

    Structuring Your App

    You just need to have one variable in your app to track the defect name. Let's assume it is called "defect_name". The day is automatically tracked when the app is completed.

    Building Your Analysis

    Just like the Pareto chart, choose the "One Operation" template. There will be 6 fields in the Context Pane:

    Then, set the "X Axis" field to the "Date" field from the app. Here is how:

    This will mean that each section of the chart will be defined by the day of the app completion.

    Next, we need to change the "Compare By" field so that results are broken up by the type of defect.

    Select "Add Comparison".

    Then, select "defect_name" from the list of variables.

    By default, the chart will have a separate bar for the frequency of each defect. Like this:

    To change the way that the data is displayed, select the "Display" dropdown from the top of the Analytics Editor.

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