Player 2.3.0 Release - July 2023
    • 24 Jul 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Player 2.3.0 Release - July 2023

    Article summary

    We're excited to announce the release of Tulip Desktop Player version 2.3.0!

    Version 2.3.0 of Desktop Player will be available for download by 9:00PM ET today (July 24th, 2023). If you're using Player devices, the next time you restart the application, the application will automatically check for updates and prompt you to install the latest version. Alternatively, you can manually initiate the update process. Thank you for choosing Tulip, and we look forward to continuing to serve you!

    Use the discussion thread in Tulip Community to let us know what you think of this update. Thank you for choosing Tulip, and we look forward to continuing to serve you!

    Feature Enhancements and Improvements

    • On app start, the user input is now auto focused to either badge ID or username. This removes the requirement for users to manually click on the field before scanning their badge or typing in their username. This should help to streamline the Player login experience.

    • Added support for proxies that redirect to an intermediate login page. This allows organizations to leverage network proxy that requires authentication for enhanced security. Users can now be redirected intermediate login pages, where they can securely authenticate using their organization's credentials.

    • Added the ability to detect multiple barcodes with a single barcode detector. The addition of this feature empowers our users to scan and detect multiple barcodes in one go, simplifying their workflow and saving valuable time. When multiple barcodes are present, they are returned as an array. This feature is particularly helpful when multiple barcodes need to be scan or additional barcodes are close to target barcode.

    Bugs Fixes and Performance Improvements

    • Resolved issue that caused duplicate device triggers to fire when switching stations while Player is actively running.
    • Resolved issue that caused cameras to fail to report and the live view to fail to load when no valid “Let's Encrypt CA” certs are available on the PC
    • Fixed a bug where model files were not being downloaded properly on the Player device due to URL signatures expiring.
    • Fixes a bug on Player where promise rejection for model downloading wasn't handled appropriately.
    • Resolved issue where jig name does not show when entering or exiting region of interest for Camera Configurations using the Jig Detector.
    • Fixed a bug where using max resolution for Realsense would cause the camera stream to fail.
    • Fixes a bug where count events for object detection wouldn't trigger.
    • Fixes a bug where object detectors would crash occasionally.
    • Resolved an issues that caused the object tracking filter to inaccurately report entrances and exits of the tracked object into or out of the region of interest.

    Full List of Ticket ID included in Release

    If you are tracking any of these tickets and would like more details, please contact Tulip Customer Support via or live chat through your instance.


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