Step by Step Menu Unit Test
    • 17 Sep 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Step by Step Menu Unit Test

    Article summary

    Step by Step Menu Unit Test

    This application explains how to setup and use the Step by Step Menu custom widget plugin


    The purpose of the Step by Step Menu Unit Test is to allow users to learn and understand how to setup and use the Step by Step Menu custom widget plugin in their Tulip applications. Custom widget plugins are coded widgets that sit on top of the Tulip platform to give additional functionality that is not currently part of the main platform. The Step by Step Menu allows the app builder to give the app user a sense of the progress they are making through the application and allows the app user to see their progress and navigate through the application using the custom widget.


    Custom Widget Plugins interact with your application through the use of properties and events. Properties are the shared data that exists between your application and widget, while events are signals that your widget can send to your application. In your app editor you can build triggers based off these events. Events can be made to send data to your application as well.

    The Tool Tip Custom Widget Plugin makes use of two properties and one event. The properties being used in this widget are named 'CURRENT STEP' and 'STEPS'. The event being used in this widget is named 'On Step Click'.

    The 'CURRENT STEP' property is of type text and is read-only. This property allows you to pass the name of the current step to the widget plugin. The recommended way to set this up is by passing in data in the form of app info step name. The 'STEP' property is of type text array and is read-only. This property allows you to define the list of steps that you want to appear in the menu of the custom widget plugin. The recommended way to set this up is by using a static value list of step names.

    The 'On Step Click' event outputs the step name from the steps list when a step in the custom widget plugin is clicked by the app user. In order to enable navigation in the application, this event should be connected to a "Go to Step by Name" transition trigger.

    How it Works

    This application makes use of a predefined Step by Step Menu custom widget plugin. The 'CURRENT STEP' property is defined through App info step name. The 'STEP' property is defined as a static list of step names which are 'Work Order', 'Make Stuff', 'QA', 'Packing', 'Shipping' and 'Close'. Lastly, The 'On Step Click' event outputs the step name from the steps list when a step in the custom widget plugin is clicked by the app user. In order to enable navigation in the application, this event should be connected to a "Go to Step by Name" transition trigger.

    Video Overview of Application

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