How to Use the Common Data Model for Pharma Use Cases
  • 07 Oct 2024
  • 13 Minutes à lire
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How to Use the Common Data Model for Pharma Use Cases

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A breakdown of tables from the Common Data Model, used in the Composable MES for pharma.


Before implementing a data model, read How to Use a Common Data Model to understand the basics of structuring tables.

Tulip's Common Data Model considers multiple industries that have different data requirements. For pharmaceutical manufacturing, use the tables listed below for a starting data schema.

The diagram below illustrates how the tables work together. Each connection represents a relationship.
Solid connections use the same fields to share data.

Common Data Model for Pharma table diagram

These tables are used in the Pharma Composable MES App Suite, available in the Tulip Library.

You should adjust the names of the tables to suit your operations as needed, as long as they align with the table's description.

These tables are a standardized starting point that you can extend further. Make sure to adapt this data model to serve your operations by renaming tables, adding tables, or editing necessary fields.

Physical Artifact Tables


Batches are a specific quantity of a product produced during a single production run, using the same materials and processes.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Process Order IDTextUnique identifier for the process order
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
TypeTextThe classification of the batch type (e.g. Semifinished product, Finished product)
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate from other products
StatusTextThe current state of the batch (e.g., Open, In progress, Blocked, Completed, Reviewed by manufacturing, Reviewed by QA)


Containers are used to collect and transfer raw materials, intermediate materials, and products between locations.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Cleanliness StatusTextThe cleanliness condition of the conatiner (e.g. Dirty, Cleaning in process, Clean)
Weight (kg)NumberThe weight of an item, measured in kilograms
CapacityNumberThe maximum amount a piece of equipment or container can hold
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify materials (e.g., kg, mg, liters)

Equipment and Assets

Reusable equipment or devices that may be required for procedures and may require calibration.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
NameTextThe specific name or designation given to an equipment used in the manufacturing process
DescriptionTextA detailed explanation of the usage of the equipment
StatusTextThe current state of the equipment (e.g. Dirty, Clean)
LocationTextThe specific area where the equipment is utilized
TypeTextThe classification of the equipment (e.g. Deduster, Metal detector, Tableting machine)
Last CalibrationDatetimeThe date when a piece of equipment or instrument was last calibrated


Materials could be raw materials, packaging materials, intermadiate materials, and semifinished or finished products.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material NameTextThe specific name or designation given to a raw material used in the manufacturing process
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material type
TypeTextThe classification of the material (e.g. Raw material, Weighed material, Premix, Blend, Semifinished product)
QuantityNumberThe amount or number of units of a material, product, or component used or produced in a process
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify materials (e.g., kg, mg, liters)
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate from other products
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
LocationTextThe specific area where materials are stored or used
Potency (%)NumberThe strength or concentration of an active ingredient in a material or product, expressed as a percentage
PositionTextThe specific physical location or placement of an item, material, or component within a process
Expiry DateDatetimeThe date after which a material or product should not be used
Container IDTextUnique identifier for the container


Physical rooms for cleaning.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
NameTextThe name of the room
Cleanliness StatusTextThe cleanliness condition of the conatiner (e.g. Dirty, Cleaning in process, Clean)
Clean GradeTextThe cleanliness level or classification of an area or equipment


Samples are taken during the porcess and inspeced in a variety of locations.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate from other products
TypeTextThe classification of the sample (e.g. IPC Off line, QC)
OperatorUserThe name of the operator taking or testing the sample
QuantityNumberThe amount or number of units of a material, product, or component used or produced in a process
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify materials (e.g. kg, mg, liters)
StatusTextThe current state of the sample (e.g. Created, Procedure Defined, Disposed)
Date TakenDatetimeThe date on which a sample was collected or a measurement was recorded


Scales are used to measure materials in a specified weight range.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Minimum WeightNumberThe lowest acceptable weight for an item or material, often set to ensure compliance with quality or process standards
Unit of Measure of Minimum WeightTextThe unit used to quantify the minimum acceptable weight (e.g. grams, milligrams)
Maximum CapacityNumberThe highest amount or volume that a piece of equipment, container, or system can hold
Unit of Measure of Maximum WeightTextThe unit used to quantify the maximum capacity (e.g. liters, kilograms)
Cleanliness StatusTextThe cleanliness condition of the conatiner (e.g. Dirty, Cleaning in process, Clean)
Calibration StatusTextIndicates whether equipment is calibrated and up-to-date with maintenance (e.g. Uncalibrated, Calibrated)


Shows all stations on the shop floor.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
StatusTextThe current station status (e.g. Running, Down, Idle, Paused)
Status ColorColorColor of the current station status
Status DetailcellTrack extra status details (e.g. reason downtime)
Process CellcellThe process cell of the station
OperatorUserThe operator currently working at the station
Current Job IDTextUnique identifier for the work order currently in progress at the station
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material used in the work order in progress

Operational Artifact Tables

Comments and Exceptions

Comments and exceptions are logged when there is a deviation from the standard manufacturing procedures.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate it from other products
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
StatusTextThe current state of the comment or the exception (e.g. New, Reviewed By Sup, Closed)
SeverityTextThe level of impact or urgency of an issue or deviation
DescriptionTextA detailed explanation or summary of an item, process, or issue that provides additional context or information
LocationTextThe specific area or equipment where the exception occured
App NameTextThe name of the application where the comment or exception was logged
Step NameTextThe name of the process step within an application where the exception was logged
Operator CommentsTextNotes added by the operator during the production process
TypeTextThe classification of the artifact (e.g. Comment, Exception)
ImageImageA photo of the product where the correction was submitted
Sample IDTextUnique identifier for the sample


Corrections are logged when the app users need to change the previous input value.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Operator CommentsTextNotes added by the operator during the production process
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Reported ByUserThe individual who reports the correction
ReasonTextThe justification or explanation for the correction
ImageImageA photo of the product where the correction was submitted
App NameTextThe name of the application where the correction was logged
Step NameTextThe name of the process step within an application where the correction was logged

Inspection Results

Stores the results of procedure steps with relation to the material being inspected. These are pass/fail results or measurements taken during a process step that requires an input from the user.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier for the work order
Unit IDTextUnique identifier for the unit
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material
TypeTextCategorization or classification of the grouping or type of the result (i.e. the name of the test)
StatusTextThe current state of the result
ProcedureTextGroup results by the higher level process being performed at the time that the result was logged
LocationTextLocation where the inspection was executed
ImageImagePhoto of the result
PassedBooleanTrue/false value for whether the inspection passed
OperatorUserThe operator who executed the inspection
Test ValueTextThe test value captured
MeasuredNumberThe measured result
TargetNumberThe target value that expected when the measurement was performed
LSLNumberThe lower specification limit when the measurement was performed
USLNumberThe upper specification limit when the measurement was performed

Process Orders

Process orders are steps taken to fulfill, and deliver customer or production orders

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate from other products
Batch SizeNumberThe quantity of product in a batch, often measured in units or weight
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify materials (e.g., kg, mg, liters)
StatusTextThe current state of the process order (e.g., Released To Manufacturing, In Progress, Completed)
Planned Start DateDatetimeThe scheduled date to begin a process
TypeTextClassification of the process order (e.g. Semifinished product, Finished product)
Planned End DateDatetimeThe scheduled date to complete a process
Start DateDatetimeThe actual date a process starts
End DateDatetimeThe actual date a process ends
QA Release ApproverTextThe individual responsible for approving the quality assurance release
Manufacturing Release ApproverTextThe person who approves the release of a product from manufacturing

References Tables

References are a secondary table type within the Tulip Common Data Model, as they do not fit within a Digital Twin model and should only be considered by advanced users. You should only include Reference tables once you've gone through the Solution Design process and exhausted all other options. Reference tables should NEVER serve as the foundation for an app solution.


It represents Globally Harmonized System (GHS) information that is the hazardous material classification used internationally.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Hazard StatementTextA statement describing the hazards of a substance or mixture
PictogramImageA graphic symbol that conveys hazard information from the GHS symbols

Material Definitions

Definitions of all Items made, purchased, or assembled. This describes items and their specific properties.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
NameTextThe name of the material definition
TypecellType of material (e.g. Raw, Intermediate, Final or Make, Buy)
DescriptionTextDetails about the material
ImageImagePicture of the material
StatusTextThe current state of the material (e.g. New, Ready, Blocked, Obsolete)
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify materials (e.g., kg, mg, liters)
Version/RevisionTextThe number or letter representing the individual revision of the part
Vendor IDTextThe unique ID to reference to the supplier of the material
Target Cycle TimeIntervalThe amount of time it should take to complete 1 unit, this can be used to set target production rates and establish target cycle times.
CAS NumberTextThe unique identifier for chemical substances that is assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service
Storage ConditionTextThe current state of the storage unit/bin
Flammability ClassTextThe level/class of flammability of the material
Carcinogen/MutagenBooleanTrue/false value for whether the material contains carcinogen/mutagen
Period After Opening (month)NumberThe number of months since the material was opened
MSDSFileA document that contains the Material Safety Data Sheet

Material List

Material lists include the materials to dispense for each batch.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Batch IDTextUnique identifier for the batch
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
Process Order IDTextUnique identifier for the process order
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material
Material NameTextThe specific name or designation given to a raw material used in the manufacturing process
Theoretical QuantityNumberThe expected amount of material or product that should be used or produced according to the process plan, based on calculations or standards
Unit of Measure of Theoretical QuantityTextThe unit used to quantify the theoretical amount of material (e.g. kilograms, liters, tablets)
Quantity NeededNumberThe amount of material or product left after a process step, taking into account what has already been used or consumed
Unit of Measure of Remaining QuantityTextThe unit used to quantify the remaining material or product (e.g., kilograms, liters, tablets)
TypeTextThe classification of the material (e.g., Raw Material, Compensator, API)
GHS IDTextA unique identifier related to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)
Tolerance Limit (%)NumberThe acceptable range of variation for a parameter, expressed as a percentage
PositionTextThe location or placement of an item within the process
Resource MaterialTextMaterials required or consumed during the manufacturing process

SKU Parameters

SKU parameters refer to the specific attributes that identify and differentiate a product in inventory management (i.e. size, color, brand, model).

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Product NameTextThe official or commercial name of the final pharmaceutical product, used to identify and differentiate from other products
Product IDTextUnique identifier for the product
LanguageTextThe language used in documents or instructions
Tablet Material Definition IDTextThe material definition ID of the required tablets for the batch
Article Code of BlistersTextA unique code for blister packaging materials
Article Code of Aluminum FoilTextA unique code for aluminum foil used in packaging
Article Code of LeafletsTextA unique code for informational leaflets included in packaging
Article Code of CartonsTextA unique code for carton packaging materials
Pharma Code of BlistersTextA code specific to the pharmaceutical industry for blister packaging
Pharma Code of Aluminum FoilTextA pharmaceutical code for aluminum foil
Pharma Code of LeafletsTextA pharmaceutical code for leaflets
Pharma Code of CartonsTextA pharmaceutical code for cartons
Temperature of Primary PackagingNumberThe temperature at which the primary packaging should be maintained
Box Label TypeTextThe type or format of labels used on boxes
Size of BlistersTextThe dimensions of blister packaging
Primary Packaging Speed (blister/min)NumberThe rate at which blisters are packaged per minute
Secondary Packaging Speed (carton/min)NumberThe rate at which cartons are packed per minute
Carton Print DesignImageThe design or layout of printing on cartons
Weight of a Blister (g)NumberThe weight of an individual blister, typically measured in grams
Camera Setup ProgramTextConfiguration settings for camera systems used in the production process

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