- 第一段階。
- 建筑物
- 应用设计
- 应用程序编辑器
- 郁金香应用程序编辑器介绍
- 创建新的郁金香应用程序
- 如何在应用程序编辑器和播放器中使用键盘快捷键
- 郁金香中的多语言功能
- 步骤
- 小装饰
- 教科文组织
- 什么是触发器?
- 阶跃触发器
- 应用程序级触发器
- 小部件触发器
- 应用程序过渡指南
- 计时器触发器
- 如何添加设备触发器
- 如何通过条件(If/Else 语句)添加触发器
- 触发器编辑器中的操作和转换列表
- 最常见的十大触发因素是什么?
- 如何通过触发器设置部件颜色
- 如何发送电子邮件
- 如何为 Tulip 用户设置短信通知
- 如何从触发器打印步骤
- 如何在应用程序编辑器中使用表达式编辑器
- 表达编辑器的技术细节
- 应用程序编辑器中的完整表达式列表
- 使用日期时间表达式
- 类型化表达
- 使用数组和对象表达式
- 在触发器中处理时间
- 支持的自定义日期格式
- 如何完成应用程序
- 如何通过设备摄像头扫描条形码和 QR 码
- 如何在触发器中添加正则表达式
- 在郁金香应用程序中使用应用程序信息
- 如何使用触发器调用连接器函数
- 变量
- 解决问题
- 达蒂(印度教女神)。
- 连接器
- 分析
- 视觉
- 设备监测
- 受管制行业
- 副驾驶站在第一线。
- 自动化
- 进口中的出口
- 运行应用程序
- 管理
- Developers
- Connect to Software
- Connect to Hardare
- Edge Devices
- 支持的设备
- 可与郁金香配合使用的即插即用设备列表
- 创建和支持设备驱动程序
- 郁金香中的设备驱动程序支持
- 如何设置条形码扫描仪
- 使用串行驱动程序
- 如何将斑马打印机与 Tulip 集成
- 使用 Zebra 网络打印机驱动程序
- 使用 Zebra GK 系列标签打印机驱动程序
- 使用 USB 波贝盒驱动程序
- 使用康耐视 In-Sight 2000 驱动程序
- 如何配置康耐视和 Tulip
- 使用 MT SevenExcellence PH 计驱动程序
- 使用通用 ADC 驱动程序
- 使用欧米茄 HH806 温度计驱动器
- 使用数字卡尺驱动器
- 如何设置通用 TS05 蓝牙测温枪
- 使用康耐视 DataMan TCP 驱动程序
- 为 Windows Tulip Player 设置三丰 U-WAVE 接收器
- 使用布雷克内尔 PS25 称重驱动器
- 使用 RFID 驱动程序
- 使用Kolver EDU 2AE/TOP/E驱动程序
- 使用 USB 脚踏板驱动程序
- 使用 Torque 开放协议驱动程序
- 使用 Dymo M10 USB 电子称驱动程序
- 使用康耐视 In-Sight 驱动程序
- 使用 Telnet 驱动程序
- 使用通用 I/O 驱动程序
- 如何设置科尔弗扭矩控制器
- 使用 Insize 多通道卡尺驱动器
- 使用 Dymo S50 USB 电子称驱动程序
- 斑马 Android DataWedge 配置
- 将三丰数字卡尺与三丰 U 波驱动器配合使用
- Troubleshoot
- Nodo Rosso.
- 创建可重复使用的组件
- 使用应用程序接口
- 技术和信息技术文件
- 指南
- 图书馆
- 使用郁金香图书馆
- Laboratory Operation App Suite
- 图书馆藏书
- 图书馆应用程序
- 教科书上的例子
- 应用解决方案
- CMMS 应用程序包
- Zerokey solutions
- 成果的可见性
- 物品委託電子申告(eBR)申請書類一式
- 盈科 CAPA Lite
- 5 为何使用人工智能进行根源分析
- 利用人工智能进行简单的缺陷报告
- 业务案例生成器
- 轮班启动会议
- 看板应用程序套件
- 简单的 OEE 控制面板
- Arena BOM 解决方案
- 设备管理应用程序套件
- 简单核对表
- 清单管理套件
- 上柴应用程序套件
- 改善漏斗
- 考勤管理简单解决方案
- 上柴质量审计
- 包装与装运图书馆应用
- CAPA 管理
- 移动照相机应用程序
- OEE 计算器
- 每小时生产记分卡
- 材料反冲
- 质量事件仪表板
- 首次通过产量申请
- 采光
- 培训解决方案
- 数字系统库存
- 视觉定位跟踪
- 数字系统访问管理
- 材料管理
- 工具与资产经理
- 优质活动管理
- 带断光传感器的步进推进器
- 数字秒表
- 审核清单
- 卡塔纳企业资源规划应用程序
- 高级别基线评估
- 物料清单管理
- 安全事故经理
- 上柴卡管理
- 精益仪表板
- 5S 结果雷达(蜘蛛)图表小工具
- 5S 一览表
- 移动生产记分卡
- 移动设计模板
- 工艺工程(移动)
- 执行维护令
- 机器启动检查表示例
- 如何申请
- 可堆肥 MES
- 制药行业的 MES 系统
- 连接器和单元测试
- Planeus 单元测试
- COPA-DATA Connector
- 平面连接器
- Veeva 连接器
- Inkit 连接器
- MRPeasy 连接器
- Oracle 融合连接器
- LabVantage 连接器和单元测试
- 谷歌聊天连接器
- Salesforce 连接器
- Litmus 概览
- eMaint 连接器
- eLabNext 连接器
- Acumatica ERP 连接器
- CETEC 连接器
- PagerDuty 连接器
- NiceLabel 集成
- Aras 集成概述
- SDA 集成
- 尼米乐队单元测试
- 竞技场整合
- 条码扫描器单元测试
- 脚踏板单元测试
- 开始在 RealWear 头戴式耳机上使用郁金香
- 空气台连接器
- 希波连接器
- 调酒师集成
- SAP S/4 HANA 云连接器
- RFID 扫描仪单元测试
- Jira 连接器
- 斑马标签打印机单元测试
- 谷歌翻译连接器
- MSFT Power Automate
- OpenAI 连接器
- 谷歌日历连接器
- 郁金香应用程序接口单元测试
- Duro PLM 单元测试
- HiveMQ 单元测试
- 与 NetSuite 集成
- 康耐视单元测试
- PowerBI 桌面集成
- ProGlove 单元测试
- Fivetran 集成
- ParticleIO 集成
- Google Drive 连接器
- 雪花连接器
- SAP SuccessFactors 连接器
- ZeroKey Integration
- 谷歌地理编码连接器
- 谷歌工作表连接器
- 如何将 Tulip 与 Slack 整合
- HighByte 智能枢纽单元测试
- LandingAI 单元测试
- LIFX 单元测试(无线灯)
- 微软日历连接器
- M365 Dynamics F&O 连接器
- Microsoft Outlook 连接器
- Microsoft Teams 连接器
- 使用 Oauth2 将 Microsoft Graph API 连接到 Tulip
- Microsoft Excel 连接器
- 网宿应用程序和连接器
- OpenBOM 连接器
- 称重秤单元测试
- InfluxDB 连接器
- Augury 连接器
- 连接器
- 舍弗勒 Optime 连接器
- MongoDB Atlas 连接器
- MaintainX 连接器
- Twilio 连接器
- SendGrid 连接器
- 安慰连接器
- 如何为 RealWear 头戴式耳机设计郁金香应用程序
- OnShape 连接器
- 可定制的小部件
- Job Planning/Scheduling Board
- 时间轴小工具
- json 树查看器小工具
- 看板任务管理小工具
- 徽章小工具
- 高级计时器小工具
- 分段按钮自定义小工具
- 动态仪表自定义小工具
- 小吃店小部件
- 变化探测器单元测试
- 状态颜色指示器 设备测试
- 输入长度检查单元测试
- 计算器自定义部件单元测试
- 图像注释小工具单元测试
- 精益仪表板小工具
- Looper 单元测试
- 秒表单元测试
- 数字输入单元测试
- 数字键盘单元测试
- 径向测量仪
- 菜单单元测试步骤
- SVG 小工具
- 文本输入单元测试
- 工具提示单元测试
- 作业指导 照顾要点 单元测试
- 书面电子签名小工具单元测试
- ZPL 查看器单元测试
- 简单折线图小工具
- 货架自定义小工具
- 滑块小工具
- NFPA 钻石定制小工具
- 通过 - 失败 自定义小工具
- 简单计时器自定义小工具
- Nymi Presence集成小工具
- 自动化
The Inventory app suite lets you to manage end to end inventory flow in your operations. By being able to manage your inventory flow you’ll be able to streamline your ordering process to optimize material flow.
In this app suite there will be a variety of App Builder Tips to follow.
Before you can configure the app suite, ensure you're familiar with the following skills:
- Basic app building
- Tulip tables (including editing fields, using filters, and record placeholders)
You will want to make sure that you have a proper understanding on how to deploy these applications to your desired devices and how to run them at a station. It's important to understand the flow of your business. Having a diagram of your shop floor will give you a better understanding of where you want your apps to live as you go through the process.
Connected Tables
The Tables that you will use throughout this app suite will be used and connected throughout your various applications. This allows you to have an easier user experience as well as a network of tables that can be used with development of future applications. Learn more about how the tables will minimize redundancy and maximize compatibility through using a common data model.
Get familiar with the common tulip tables used throughout the cMES.
Click the link to the Inventory App Suite. This will take you to the library page where you can add the app to your instance.
Once the App Suite has been added you will find a folder in your instance titled Inventory. This will allow you to see all the apps that are in the Suite.
Inventory Material Systems
This App Suite is focused on improving the flow of material and maximizing stock within your assembly process. Giving you clearer visibility into where your materials are going for Improved Inventory Accuracy.
Configure Apps
While configuring applications, any changes made to tables need to be made across all applications for connectivity.
Material Request
This app will allow you to streamline the creation of your material request form.
Request Material
On this step you will be able to request the material that you need by selecting them.
- App builder tips to follow focus around adding filters for a selected location and active statuses. You’ll need to configure the device you’re using to your barcode scanner. If need be you can remove certain fields to match your process.
On this step you will get a view of your request before creating it
- Here you’ll want to make sure that you configure material request statuses and request ID. This will make sure the request goes where it actually needs to be.
Inventory Dashboard
This Dashboard is meant to give you full scope of your operations. What is happening at each location within your process and where your material are moving your facility
- For this app you’ll want to modify statuses under ‘Operations’ to make sure your analytics match your needs.
Material Loading and Receiving
The focus on this app is to help you with tracking and handling new materials that are received
This screen is meant to help with directing you to different functions of the app.
Truck Arrival
Keep track of the trucks that are delivering the material. Keeping a record of what you have actually received.
- When it comes to this step it will be important to use the “Create new gate” button before selecting a gate, this way you’ll have a gate to select. Make sure that your status matches the statuses that are involved in your process.
Upload Image
This step is to make sure that you capture the arrival of the materials. Keep visual evidence of the shipment as it comes in
- Make sure that your statues match your process
FIFO Board
On this step you will get a visual for all of your orders that have arrived.
- Make sure that your statues match your process
Unload Confirmation
Here you make sure to capture the fact that you unloaded the material.
- Make sure that your statues match your process
Add New Gate
On this step you will be able to make new gates for receiving materials.
View History
This step allows you access information about past arrivals and you can search for specific data that has been captured.
This application can streamline material replenishment and movements by reducing manual data entry and administrative overhead, allowing staff to focus on more value-added tasks.
View Open Material Requests
On this step you will get visibility into all pending material requests. See details on where to pick the materials and where they need to be delivered.
- Add filters to the table to match the statues you would use in your operations
Select Kanban Card
Here you can scan the kanban cards for the materials in the designated area. Giving you visibility as to how much of your material is in stock.
- App builder tips to follow focus around adding filters for a selected location and active statuses. You’ll need to configure the device you’re using to your barcode scanner. If need be you can remove certain fields to match your process.
Confirm Requesting Material
After selecting the material request, this step will be for confirming the actual request itself.
- Here you’ll want to make sure that you configure material request statuses and request ID. This will make sure the request goes where it actually needs to be.
Inventory Management
This app will manage and view your inventory items. Your data will be stored and displayed through tables, which can also be changed to match the changes that happen on the floor.
Main Screen
The main screen will be your navigation tool for navigating through various steps within this application.
- Here you’ll want to configure your data sources for “Status” with static values or aggregations.
Remove QTY / Add QTY
On these steps you will be able to add or remove the amount that you desire to your selected inventory items.
Edit Status
Here you can edit the status of the items in your inventory. Identify the quantity of items you wish to change.
- Here you’ll want to configure your data sources for “New Status” with static values or aggregations.
Create Inventory Item
Create new inventory items by filling out the required fields and saving these new items to your current inventory.
- On this step you will need to configure all sources of data with either table aggregations or static values. Also important to configure the ID of the new items according to your process.
View Kanban Cards
Here you can view all kanban cards that have been made. You’ll have the ability to print the labels and create new cards. If some cards have matching properties you can create a duplicate of that card with changes.
- Tips to follow here would be to configure your data sources for single select widgets with Static values or table aggregation.
Edit Kanban Card
Here you will make adjustments to your Kanban card. In this step you can either deactivate or activate the card.
Create Kanban Card
For creating your card make sure to fill out all the required fields.
- Tips to follow here would be to configure your data sources for single select widgets with Static values or table aggregation.
Print Label
Create a label of your card
- Make sure the ‘print label’ button is configured with your device to print the label.
Material Request History
See the History of all request Materials. Select orders to gain more information on its history
- Make sure to configure your data source for “status” with table aggregations or static value
Material Warehouse
This mobile app allows the users to transact materials to Tulip, greatly increasing inventory accuracy. Easy and straigthforward to use, helps digitalize newly arrived materials as soon as possible.
In the Home step, the user needs to choose a flow, depending on whether it's a completely new item to add to inventory or an existing item that requires relocation.
Scan Item
In the Scan Item step you can scan an item either with a barcode or an optical scanner.
View Item Info
Type Item Quantity
After you scanned an item and viewed all its details, type in the quantity you want to store or move between locations. Note, that if you choose to move items, you can't type in more quantities, than stored in the original location.
Scan Location
In the next step scan the new location you want to store the items. After it's done, on the Inventory step you can see whether the storing or moving was successful.
Material Mover
This application allows you to have control over the movement of your materials throughout the plant.
Kanban Request
Here you will see all the kanban requests that have been made. You’ll be able to view detailed information once you select a request.
- On this step you will want to make sure that you configure your device trigger according to your barcode scanner. As well as add the filters to the for the request status to match your operations.
On This step you will confirm the actual request
- Make sure to configure the material request status so it updates when completed.
When going through the app suite it's important to make sure that you follow the App Builder Tips. These tips will be your guide to preparing your applications for deployment. It’ll be important to reference the prerequisites and make sure that you followed both the Required Steps and App Builder Tips within each step.