Electronic Logbook
  • 04 Oct 2024
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Electronic Logbook

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Learn the Electronic Logbook app suite's primary functions, how to use these functionalities, and how you can link different apps together within the group. The article also includes essential configuration steps necessary for the usage of apps, alongside options for customization.
This app group is a part of Tulip’s Composable MES for Pharma app suite.

Tulip tables used in the app group

Tables used in the application are Comments & Exceptions, and Equipments & Assets.

Applications in the Electronic Logbook App Group

At the moment, the group contains just one app. More apps are currently in development and will be added to the suite soon, making it an even more comprehensive tool. Keep an eye out for updates!

Equipment Logbook


The Equipment Logbook Application shows an example of Work Instructions to prepare and setup an equipment. The Operator can either select an Equipment from the list Equipment & Assets table, or scan an Equipment. Once the Equipment selected, the Operator will be directed to 2 instruction steps (Prepare and Setup). Once these completed, the Operator can complete the App. At any point of the process, the operator can Log a Comment, View the Logbook (Digital History of the selected Equipment) or manually change the Equipment status.

Configuration and Customization

