Variables in Tulip
  • 19 Jan 2023
  • 5 읽을 분
  • 기여자

Variables in Tulip

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기사 요약

Tulip supports several different data types across the platform. These types are important to understand as they can have implications in how you store data, usability within Analytics, and how you convert between data types.

Overview of Data Types

TypeDescriptionArea Supported
BooleanTrue or falseAnalytics, App Variables, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields, Machine Attributes, Table Columns
ColorColor that can be used to dynamically set widget coloringApp Variables, Machine Activity Fields, Table Columns
DatetimeTimestamp consisting of a date, time, and timestampAnalytics, App Variables, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields, Table Columns
EnumSelection of predefined constants (i.e. Machine States)Analytics, Machine Downtime, Reasons, Machine States
FileLink to a file, which can be stored on our cloud provider
Max file size: 200MB for mp4 videos, 50MB for all other file types
Max URL length: 2048 characters.
App Variables, Table Columns
Image URLLink to an image in Tulip, which is stored by cloud provider
Max file size: 20MB
Max URL length: 2048 characters.
App Variables, Table Columns, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields
IntegerInteger - a number without a fractional component
Max value: 9007199254740991
Analytics, App Variables, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields, Machine Attributes, Table Columns
IntervalAmount of time in seconds, displayed as HH:MM:SS
Max value : 7730941132799 seconds
Analytics, App Variables, Machine Activity Fields, Table Columns
Linked RecordLogical link between two Tables, can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.Table Columns
MachineMachine object in Tulip from the Machine LibraryAnalytics, App Variables, Table Columns
NumberReal numbers
Max value: 9007199254740991
Analytics, App Variables, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields, Machine Attributes, Table Columns
ObjectConfigurable object structure with child attributes, which have their own data type.App Variables, Connector Functions
StationStation object in Tulip from the Shop FloorAnalytics, App Variables
TextSequence of characters
Max size: 2.5kB in Tulip Tables; 50kB in other case. Truncated to 600 characters for analytics.
Analytics, App Variables, Connector Functions, Machine Activity Fields, Machine Attributes, Table Columns
UserUser object in Tulip from Account / Workspace SettingsAnalytics, App Variables, Table Columns, Machine Activity Fields
VideoLink to a video in Tulip, which is stored by cloud provider
Max size: 200MB
Max URL length: 2048 characters.
Table Columns


In several areas of the platform, you can toggle these data types to display as a list. This list represents an Array - a collection of elements matching a particular data type. Below is an overview of where to assess lists:

  • App Variables

  • Connector Outputs

    • For SQL connectors, check Return Multiple Rows - this format the output as an array.
    • For HTTP connectors, select the output data type and toggle List.
  • Linked Records

    • For one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many, multiple linked records are stored as a list of linked records.

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