Using Vision Buffer Video Recording
  • 24 Oct 2024
  • 2 읽을 분
  • 기여자

Using Vision Buffer Video Recording

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Learn how to use Video Recording in Tulip Vision


Vision Video Recording releases to Tulip Instances with Player 2.6.0/LTS13.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to set up Vision Video Recording in the App Editor
  • How to use Vision Video Recording to support quality use cases

Handling and recording video is a requirement for many quality use cases. The Vision video recording feature captures video segments of quality events after they’ve taken place (i.e. 5 minutes or less of video).

Set up Vision video

There are three to four key Triggers to set up to utilize vision video recording.

  • Start Video Buffer
  • Save Video Buffer
  • End Video Buffer
  • Video Save

The diagram below shows the sequence of these triggers:

Vision Recording Process Diagram

Start Video Buffer

Establish how long the video buffer records for.
You can input a value between 5 and 300 seconds.


If you input a value under 5 or over 300, the value defaults to the minimum or maximum.

This will start an ongoing stream of video that, once ended, retains the last X seconds of video (X being the number of seconds inputted).

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 5.49.14 PM

Save Video Buffer

This trigger ends the video buffer and stops the recording. It then allows Tulip to prepare the video as a .

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 5.49.23 PM

Video Save

Create a machine/device trigger that responds to the event Video Uploaded (the Save Video Buffer trigger). Once this event fires, Tulip provides the video in a S3 url. Users can choose to save the url in a table or show this in the app with an embdedded video widget.

In the example below, the video saves locally, but it can also be written to a table record.

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 5.49.35 PM

End Video Buffer

The end video buffer is optional. You can either cancel the video buffer via a button (see example below) or go to another step.

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 5.49.28 PM

Quality Use Case

You want to record a quality use case of a motor assembly process. You need to confirm that every motor packaged has the required motor as well as a neccessary tool. This is to ensure that these are undamaged before shiping them to the customer.

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