Input Widgets
  • 03 Jan 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Input Widgets

Article summary

What are Input Widgets?

Collect data from your users with input Widgets. Each Input Widget supports different types of Variables. All inputs must be tied to the location where their value will be stored.

How to Map Input Widgets to a Storage Location

Input widgets data can be stored to either variables or Fields in Table Records. The Datasource setting is where the destination of the input data can be defined.

If an input isn't tied to a datasource, it won't be selectable when running in the Player.




When tied to a Table Record Field, there must be a Record loaded into the Table Record Placeholder.

Types of Input Widgets

Checkbox - Collect True/False values from users. Data can be stored in a Boolean variable
ex. In an audit app, users need to confirm that they have executed a process.


Text - Collect non-numeric data from users. Data can be stored in a text Variable
ex. In a work instruction app, users can add a note in a text field about a defect they found.

Text Input

Multiline - An expanded version of the text input, allowing for a bigger response. Select this widget when the input is a significant amount of text.


Number - Collect decimal or whole number input from users. Data can be stored in a Number variable or Integer variable.
ex. At the end of a production run, users need to populate how many parts they finished.
Number Input

Date Picker - Collect a date and time from users. Data can be stored in a Datetime variable
ex. Maintenance staff can select the date for the next maintenance order for preventative maintenance on a machine

Date Picker

Image - Display a camera where operators can use the device camera to capture an image. Data can be stored in a Image variable
ex. When a defect is found, users snap a picture of the anomaly

Signature - Collect a digital user Signature to verify the accuracy of data.
ex. At the end of a batch mixing process, users need to sign off that the recipe used matches the work order

Single Select - Users can select one value from a list of options. That list can be statically or dynamically set. Data can be stored in any variable type.
ex. When starting a process, users need to select the line they are working on, they need to select from a list of valid values.

single select

Multiselect - Users can select multiple values from a list of options. Data can be stored in an Array of any variable type.
ex. When a defect is found users must select all of the defect types that apply to that part.

Input Widget Triggers

For all input widgets, when the input is changed, their Triggers will run.


In the case of Number and Text input widgets, triggers will fire on users clicking [Enter].

Further Reading

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