The Tulip API gives you programmatic access to your Tulip data.

Query Parameters

Some Tulip API endpoints take parameters specified in the URL query. In the Tulip API, the URL query is expected to be a list of key-value pairs, with pairs separated by &, keys and values separated by =, and keys and values being percent-encoded. Keys are parsed as strings, values must be present for each key, and values are parsed as JSON. Simple string values may be specified as-is instead of being JSON-encoded. A query parameter may be specified multiple times, but only the final value will be used. Examples (shown without percent encoding for readability):

  • a=1&b=true&c="hello" would parse a parameter a as the number 1, b as the boolean true, and c as the string hello
  • a=foo&b="foo" would parse a parameter a as the string foo and b as the string foo
  • data={"points":[{"x":3,"y":4},{"x":2,"y":-9}]} would parse a parameter data as an object with a single field points containing an array with two elements: an object with x as the number 3 and y as the number 4, and an object with x as the number 2 and y as the number -9
  • a=foo&a=bar would parse a parameter a as the string bar

 Tulip Interfaces 


Templates Tulip API Server 

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