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Integrate Tulip with NetSuite using pre-built applications and Tulip's HTTP Connectors
The goal of this connector is to enable bi-directional communication between NetSuite’s system of record and Tulip’s Industrial Operations Platform. Many common manufacturing functions are provided out-of-the-box and advanced connectors allow extension to other applications.
Installation and Configuration
This connector requires an accompanying NetSuite script to be deployed within your NetSuite environment.
The connector functions have been designed with reusability in mind. As a result, to reconfigure the apps, only basic App Editor reworks are required. Replace existing content to reflect your shop floor more effectively, and the connectors will work the same.
Connector Functions
The integration provides the following functions:
Get Work Order Context Functions
Get Released Work Orders
The function will return all work orders with status Work Order: Released in Netsuite.
getAllReleasedWorkOrder -> Released Work Orders
Get Released Work Orders for Location
The function will return all work orders with status Work Order: Released in Netsuite at a specified location
getReleasedWorkOrdersByLocation(Location) -> Released Work Orders in Location
Get Released Work Orders for Product
The function will return all work orders with status Work Order: Released in Netsuite for a specified product.
getReleasedWorkOrdersByProduct(product) -> Released Work Order for product
Get In Process Work Orders
The function will return all work orders with status Work Order: Released in Netsuite for a specified product.
getAllInProgressWorkOrders -> In Process Work Orders
Get Work Order Bill of Material
The function will return the bill of material for specified work order
getWorkOrderBOM(WorkOrderID) -> Bill of Material
Get Work Order Details
The function will return all work order details for a specified work order internal id.
getWODetails(WorkOrderID) -> Work Order Details
Post Work Order Context Functions
Create Work Order Close
The function will change the order status of a WIP based in process work order to closed.
closeWorkOrder(workOrderID, orderQuantity, quantityCompleted) -> Success result, message, Work Order Close ID
Create Work Order Issue
The function will link a Work Order to a Work Order Issue record
createWorkOrderIssue(workOrderID) -> Error, Work Order Issue ID
Create Assembly Build
The function will create an assembly build against a work order while consuming component level inventory for a non-WIP based work order. There are three variations of inputs for lot managed assembly, bin managed assembly or location only managed assemblies.
Bin Managed Assembly
createAssemblyBuild(workOrderId, itemId, quantity, binNumber, locationId, subsidiaryId,component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Lot Managed Assembly
createAssemblyBuild(workOrderId, itemId, quantity, lot number, locationId, subsidiaryId,component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Location Managed Assembly
createAssemblyBuild(workOrderId, itemId, quantity, locationId, subsidiaryId,component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Create Work Order Completion (no backflush)
The function will create a work order completion transaction against a WIP based work order without consuming component inventory. There are three variations of inputs for lot managed assembly, bin managed assembly or location only managed assemblies.
Bin Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletion(workOrderId, quantity, startOperation, endOperation, Bin) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Lot Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletion(workOrderId, quantity, startOperation, endOperation, Lot) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Location Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletion(workOrderId, quantity, startOperation, endOperation) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Create Work Order Completion with Backflush
The function will create a work order completion transaction against a WIP based work order and consume component inventory. There are three variations of inputs for lot managed assembly, bin managed assembly or location only managed assemblies. For final operations against the WIP order, scrap quantity can also be sent.
Bin Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletionBackflush(workOrderId, quantity, completed quantity, startOperation, endOperation, item, bin, scrap quantity, component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Lot Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletionBackflush(workOrderId, quantity, completed quantity, startOperation, endOperation, item, lot, scrap quantity, component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Location Managed Assembly
createWorkOrderCompletionBackflush(workOrderId, quantity, completed quantity, startOperation, endOperation, item, scrap quantity, component details) -> Sucess result, message, Build ID
Get Inventory Item Locations and Quantity Functions
Get on-hand inventory in each location for item
The function will return on-hand inventory available at each location for a specified item
getInventoryByLocation(item name) -> inventory, sucess result, message
Get on-hand inventory in each bins for item
The function will return on-hand inventory available at each bin for a specified item
getInventoryInBin(item name) -> inventory, sucess result, message
Get on-hand inventory in a bin
The function will return on-hand inventory available at a specified bin by material
getInventorybyBin(bin) -> inventory, sucess result, message
Get on-hand inventory by material lot number for item
The function will return on-hand inventory available by material lot number for a specified item.
getInventoryforMaterialLots(item name) -> inventory, sucess result, message
Get locations for a particular item
The function will return available inventory locations for a specified item.
getItemLocation(item name) -> inventory, sucess result, message
Post Inventory Movement and Adjustment Functions
Create Bin Transfer
The function will create a bin transfer transaction to move materials
createRecord(location id, subsidiary id, item id, quantity, from bin, to bin) -> error message, bin transfer id, https status code)
Create Bin Transfer
The function will create a bin transfer transaction to move materials
createRecord(location id, subsidiary id, item id, quantity, from bin, to bin) -> error message, bin transfer id, https status code)
Create Inventory Transfer
The function will create a inventory transfer transaction to move materials
createRecord(from location, subsidiary, item id, quantity, to location) -> error message, bin transfer id, https status code)
Create Inventory Adjustment
The function will create an inventory adjustment transaction to adjust inventory level details (positive or negative). There are three variations of inputs for lot managed item, bin managed item or location only managed item.
Bin Managed Assembly
createInventoryAdjustment(subsidiary id, account id, item id, location id, adjustment amount, transacion date) -> sucess result, message, inventory adjustment id
Lot Managed Assembly
createInventoryAdjustment(subsidiary id, account id, item id, location id, adjustment amount, transacion date, lot) -> sucess result, message, inventory adjustment id
Location Managed Assembly
createInventoryAdjustment(subsidiary id, account id, item id, location id, adjustment amount, transacion date, bin) -> sucess result, message, inventory adjustment id
Generic Configurable Get Requests
The following functions are generic get functions with configurable outputs depending on the inputs.
Get Results of a Saved Search
The function will return the results of a Netsuite saved search.
getSavedSearchResults(saved search id, saved search type)-> saved search results
Get Record Details
The function will return record details of the specified input.
getRecordFromTypeAndId(record id, record type)-> record details
Get Results from a Search Term
The function will return the results from a search term.
getRecordFromSearchTerm(query)-> search results
Generic Configurable Post Requests
The following functions are generic functions with configurable outputs/functionality depending on the inputs.
Create Search Results from a Search Query
The function will return the results from a search query.
getSearchResults(query with filters and columns defined) -> search results
Create Netsuite Record
The function will create a Netsuite record based on the inputs.
createRecord(record creation details) -> created record id
For full documentation on the functionality of the API provided by the Tulip SuiteApp, refer to the public documentation here.