Sample Management App Suite
  • 21 Feb 2024
  • 2 Elolvasandó percek
  • Közreműködők

Sample Management App Suite

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Article Summary

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This app suite consists two apps. The sample process order manager app is used to create a process order for sampling, providing all the necessary information. Meanwhile the sampling app is managed both the sampling and sample transfer processes.


In the Sampling app, connecting a printer is necessary to print a label. For detailed instructions on how to integrate a Zebra printer with Tulip, you can find more information here.

Tables Used

The following Tables are used in the Kanban apps:
(Requirements) Order Materials - The production requirements of your operation. These are generated from Orders and represent a demand of specific materials to be produced in order to fulfill the order.
Samples - this table stores all the samples taken: IPC samples, at-line samples, QC sampes etc.

App Structure

Sample Process Order Manager
This app consists of two steps. In the first step, users can overview all the process orders created for sampling. They have the option to filter the table by product name, batch number, department, or status. By clicking on the create new order button users are redirected to the create new order Step.
Sample_Process Order_Manager-process_order_overview.png

On this step, users can create a new order after filling out all the fields. They have the option to manually enter the process order ID or generate a random 17-character ID by clicking the Generate ID button.
Sample_Process Order_Manager-Create_new_order.png

This app manages both the sampling and sample transfer processes. In the initial step, users can view all process orders in a new status. They have the ability to filter the table by batch number and have two available options. The first is to take samples, which, upon clicking, navigates the user to the sampling step. The second option involves transferring the previously taken samples to the designated department or laboratory.

On the Sampling step, users must fill out all fields to be able to proceed to the Print Label step. This step contains two single-select options with a static value data source. More information on how to modify it can be found here.
All the information about the sample is stored in the Samples table. To be ensure the logical connection between the batch and the taken samples.

On this step, all sample IDs related to the selected batch number are displayed. Users can select an ID and perform the handover/takeover by clicking on the complete button. It's crucial that the handed over by and taken over by personnel are different individuals. Users should repeat this process until all the samples have been handed over. If there are no more samples requiring handover, the app will automatically update the status of the process order to in lab and navigate back to the initial step.

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