Weigh and Dispense
  • 30 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Weigh and Dispense

Article Summary

Weigh and Dispense


Use this application to be able to closely monitor your weigh and dispense procedures. By connecting to barcode scanners and weighing scales (this application supports Mettler Toledo) you can trust your weighing and dispense processes with more accuracy and precision. This application builds quality into the design - connects to GHS data, prevents users from moving forward unless having acknowledged it - and having full traceability of all actions and materials dispensed. The application ends with printing a barcode which enables anyone, anytime to retrieve the history of the weighing from within Tulip.

Getting Started

When using this application, longterm, you will want to connect your application to an ERP In the meantime, to test out the application and get started you will want to backfill the following tables:

  • Process Orders table
  • Weigh and Dispense - Materials table
  • GHS Data table
  • Weigh and Dispense - Lots
  • Equipment - Life Sciences

You should follow the instructions here on how to import a spreadsheet into a Tulip Table.

Next - if you plan on using either Net or Gross with an integrated scale then follow the instructions here to set up and configure the Mettler Toledo scale. If you plan on using the manual weighing methods there is no need to configure the scale.

Optional Modifications

This application was built to be easily modified and extensible. Some possible modifications are listed below:

Adding other scales

The current application only supports connectivity of scale via Serial (Player Only) connectivity

To add support for other types of scales that are currently supported by Tulip simply find the 'Machines & Device' triggers that are on each step in the 'Net' and 'Gross' weighing methods step groups. Next, replace the triggers to connect to the scale of your choosing. You can always test the scale connectivity using the Weighing Scale Unit Tests.

Adding additional weighing methods

  1. Make a copy or make a new step group with your required steps. It's important that you name the Step Group the name of the weighing method
  2. Edit the step named 'Select Weighing Method' to add your additional method as an option on the 'Weighing Method' variable. It's important that you name this the same as the Step Group from

Subtracting additional weighing methods

  1. Remove the option from the 'Select Weighing Method' step
  2. Delete the step group

Any other ideas or questions? Please post in the Tulip Community!

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