How to Hide the Developer Menu in Tulip Player
  • 18 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

How to Hide the Developer Menu in Tulip Player

Article summary


Learn how to hide the Developer Menu in the Tulip Player

The Developer Menu on the Tulip Player can be hidden in the following two ways:

Using a settings.json File


This method applies for all users of the PC.

  • Create a “settings.json” file in your C:\ProgramData\tulip\settings folder. If this folder path does not already exist, you will need to create it.
  • Ensure that all other users of the PC have “READ” privileges on this file.
  • Open the file in Notepad or any text editor and add the following content to it:
  "disableDeveloperMenu": true  

If this file already exists and has other contents, simply add the “disableDeveloperMenu”: true entry, separated by a comma from other file entries.

At this stage, you can launch the Tulip Player and confirm the “Developer” menu should no longer be available in the top menu bar.

Using Environment Variables

For the current user:

  • Open a PowerShell terminal and execute the following command to set an environment variable named


[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TULIP_PLAYER_DISABLE_DEVELOPER_MENU", "true", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

For all users on the PC:

  • Open a PowerShell terminal as Administrator and execute the following command to set an environment variable named: “TULIP_PLAYER_DISABLE_DEVELOPER_MENU” equal to “true”
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TULIP_PLAYER_DISABLE_DEVELOPER_MENU", "true", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

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