How to Use the Common Data Model for Discrete Use Cases
  • 07 Oct 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

How to Use the Common Data Model for Discrete Use Cases

Article summary

A breakdown of tables from the Common Data Model, used in the Composable MES for discrete.


Before implementing this data model, read How to Use a Common Data Model to understand the basics of structuring tables.

Tulip's Common Data Model considers multiple industries that have different data requirements. For discrete manufacturing, use the tables listed below as your starting data schema.

The diagram below illustrates how the tables work together. Each connection represents a relationship.
Solid connections use the same fields to share data.

Common Data Model for General table diagram

These tables are used in the Composable MES App Suite, available in the Tulip Library.

You should adjust the names of the tables to suit your operations as needed, as long as they align with the table's description.

These tables are a standardized starting point that you can extend further. Make sure to adapt this data model to serve your operations by renaming tables, adding tables, or editing necessary fields.

Physical Artifact Tables

Equipment and Assets

Reusable equipment or devices, not part of the Bill of Materials, but may be required for procedures and may require calibration.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
NameTextThe name of the asset, device, or equipment
DescriptionTextA short description of the asset, device, or equipment
StatusTextThe status or current condition of the asset, device, or equipment
LocationTextThe current physical location of the asset, device, or equipment (e.g. station ID, location ID, or any arbitrary indication of location such as cell or unit)
TypeTextThe type of asset, device, or equipment
Last CalibrationDatetimeThe last date that aperiodic review for acceptance was completed
Calibration Cadence (sec)IntervalThe duration between scheduled maintenance activity or periodic review for acceptance

Inventory Items

Holds inventory by location and item.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material
Material Definition TypeTextType of material of the inventory item
StatusTextThe current state of the inventory item
Location IDTextCurrent physical location of the inventory (e.g. station ID, location ID, or any arbitrary indication of location such as cell or unit)
Location AreaTextFurther subdivision of locations by area, which allows for grouping or filtering by area or zone
QuantityNumberThe quantity of the inventory record
Unit of MeasureTextthe unit of measure related to the quantity


Physical locations on the production floor. They can be associated with light kit locations for pick-to-light.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Location AreaTextA grouping of locations or the next level of location hierarchy (e.g. station ID, a location ID, or any other specified marker of a location)
BIN NumberIntegerA value associated with the current location
Light Kit NumberIntegerA value associated with the Tulip light kit
TypeTextA categorization of locations for filtering or sorting by type
StatusTextThe current status or condition of the location


Shows all stations on the shop floor.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
StatusTextThe current station status (e.g. Running, Down, Idle, Paused)
Status ColorColorColor of the current station status
Status DetailTextInformation about the station (e.g. reason downtime)
Process CellTextThe process cell that is part of the station
OperatorUserThe operator currently working at the station
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier for the work order currently in progress at the station
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier for the material used in the work order in progress


Used to store unique physical lots, serial numbers, and batches.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material of the unit
Material Definition TypeTextThe type of material of the unit
StatusTextThe current state of the unit (e.g., In Progress, Available, Unavailable)
LocationTextThe physical location on the shopfloor or in inventory (e.g. station ID, location ID,
QuantityNumberQuantity of the Unit
Unit of MeasureTextThe standard unit used to quantify the unit (e.g., kg, mg, liters)
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier of the work order
Completed DateDatetimeThe time the unit was completed
Produced byUserThe operator who completed the unit
Parent Unit IDTextUnique identifier of the parent unit

Operational Artifact Tables


Holds events that require follow up.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition
TitleTextShort description to identify the nature of the action
LocationTextPhysical place the action is in reference to or is acted upon
SeverityTextImpact of the defect on the process (e.g. Critical, High, Medium, Low)
StatusTextCurrent status of the action (e.g. Now, In progress, Closed)
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier of the work order the action is related to
Unit IDTextUnique identifier of the related unit
CommentsTextFurther description or notes related to the action
PhotoImageRelated image
Reported ByUserThe user who created the issue
OwnerUserThe user responsible for carrying out the action
TypeTextCategory of actions for filtering or analysis
Actions TakenTextIf closed, description of actions taken
Due DateDatetimeDate the action must be completed


Tracking of defect. Each line is a unique defect related to single material or observance of deviation. Lines can have multiple quantity.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition
ReasonTextSupport routing to correct owner, swift resolution, and root cause analysis
LocationTextThe physical place where the defect was detected (e.g. station ID, location ID, any arbitrary indication of a location such as area, cell, unit)
SeverityTextImpact of the defect on the process (e.g. Critical, High, Medium, Low)
StatusTextCurrent status of the defect (e.g. New, In Review, Closed)
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier of the Work Order the defect is related to
Unit IDTextUnique identifier of the related material unit
CommentsTextFurther description or notes related to the defect
PhotoImageImage of the defect
QuantityNumberQuantity of the defective materials
Reported ByUserUser who logs the defect/event
DispositionTextAction taken to resolve the defect
Disposition AssigneeUserUser who has been assigned the action or lead the next steps with the defect investigation (e.g. supervisor, quality representative)
Dispositioned DateDatetimeDate that the disposition starts
ClosedDatetimeDate that the defect was resolved and closed
Material IDTextUnique identifier of the defective material

Inspection Results

Stores the results of procedure steps with relation to the material being inspected. These are pass/fail results or measurements taken during a process step that requires an input from the user.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier for the work order
Unit IDTextUnique identifier for the physical unit
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition
TypeTextFurther categorization or classification of the type of result
StatusTextCurrent status of the inspection demand (e.g. New, In Progress, Closed)
ProcedureTextProcedure ID for inspection
LocationTextLocation where the inspection was executed
PhotoImageImage of the result
PassedBooleanTrue/false value for whether the inspection passed
OperatorUserOperator who executed the inspection
Text ValueTextText value captured
MeasuredNumberMeasured actual value
TargetNumberMeasured target value
LSLNumberThe lower specification limit when the measurement was performed
USLNumberThe upper specification limit when the measurement was performed

Kanban Cards

Stores information for Kanban cards.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Part NumberTextUnique identifier of the part
StatusTextCurrent status (e.g. New, In Progress, Closed)
Consuming LocationTextThe physical location of the consumed part
SupplierTextName of the part supplier
QuantityNumberQuantity of required parts
Lead TimeIntervalThe time expected from empty to replenish
Part DescriptionTextPhysical description of the part required
Status ColorColorColor to indicate status of the request
ImageImagePhoto of the part
ActiveBooleanTrue/false value for whether the kanban is active

Material Requests

Holds material replenishment requests for specific items between departments.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition
Requesting LocationTextPhysical location that requested the replenishment
Supplier LocationTextPhysical location that will replenish the material
Kanban Card IDTextUnique identifier of the kanban card definition
QuantityNumberQuantity of materials to be replenished
StatusTextCurrent status of the request (e.g. New, In Progress, Closed)
Status ColorColorColor to indicate status of the request
RequesterUserUser who initiated the material request
AssigneeUserUser who received the material request
RequestedDatetimeDate the material was requested
StartedDatetimeDate the material request started
CompletedDatetimeDate the material request was fulfilled
BinTextBin requesting location where the material should be delivered
Completed ByUserUser who provided the material to fulfill the replenishment request
Ready for pick timeDatetimeDate that the material is ready to be picked
Delivered byUserUser who delivered the material to the requesting location

Work Orders

The production requirements of your operation. These are generated from orders and represent a demand of specific materials to be produced in order to fulfill the order.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
OperatorUserUser who completed the work order
Parent Order IDTextUnique identifier of the parent work order
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition
StatusTextCurrent status of the work order (e.g. Released, Kitted, In Progress, Completed, Consumed, Delivered)
LocationTextPhysical place where the work order exists (e.g. station ID, location ID, arbitrary indication of a location)
Quantity RequiredNumberQuantity of parts that need to be produced
Quantity CompleteNumberActual quantity produced
Quantity ScrapNumberQuantity of units that were scrapped associated with the work order
Due DateDatetimeDate that the work order is due
Start DateDatetimeDate that the work order was started
Complete DateDatetimeDate that the work order was completed
Customer IDTextUnique identifier of the company or entity the work order is being fulfilled to

Secondary (Advanced) Table Types

The following secondary table types do not fit within a Digital Twin model and should only be considered by advanced users. You should only include Reference or Log tables once you've gone through the Solution Design process and exhausted all other options. These tables should never serve as the foundation for an app solution.


Logs are a secondary table type within the Tulip Common Data Model, as they do not fit within a Digital Twin model and should only be considered by advanced users. You should only include Log tables once you've gone through the Solution Design process and exhausted all other options. Log tables should NEVER serve as the foundation for an app solution.

Genealogy Records

Each record is a parent/child relationship. The child could be either a serialized or unserialized subassembly or individual part.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Parent Unit IDTextUnique identifier of the parent unit (e.g. serial number)
Parent Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the part number for parent assembly
Parent DescriptionTextDescription of the parent assembly
Component Unit IDTextUnique identifier of a component in the parent assembly (e.g. Material Lot Number)
Component Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the component
Component DescriptionTextDescription of the component
Component QuantityNumberQuantity of the components
Component UoMTextUnit of measurement of the component
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier of the related work order

Notes and Comments

Users can store notes that are attached to work orders, shifts, or other process artifacts.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Reference IDTextUnique identifier of the work order, shift, or other process artifact for reference
LocationTextLocation where the note was taken (station ID, location ID, any arbitrary indication of a location such as area, cell, unit)
NotesTextField tracking the user's note or comment
SenderUserUser who sent the note
Updated ByUserUser who wrote the comment
RecipientUserUser who recieved the notes
Notes PhotoImagePhoto of the notes

Station Activity History

Stores a historical record of production output and status by station, grouped by hour. Similar in function and purpose to the machine activity table.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Station IDTextUnique identifer of the station related to the record
StatusTextCurrent status of the station (e.g. Running, Down, Idle)
Start Date/TimeDatetimeDate and time that the station activity log started
End Date/TimeDatetimeDate and time that the station activity log ended
DurationIntervalDuration of the record
Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material produced during station activity
Target QuantityNumberQuantity of the material expected to be produced for the duration
Actual QuantityNumberQuantity of the material actually produced for the duration
DefectsNumberQuantity of the defective material captured for the duration
Downtime ReasonTextDowntime collected during the station activity
CommentsTextField tracking the user's notes of comments
Work Order IDTextUnique identifier of the work order associated
Unit IDTextUnique identifier of the unit associated


References are a secondary table type within the Tulip Common Data Model, as they do not fit within a Digital Twin model and should only be considered by advanced users. You should only include Reference tables once you've gone through the Solution Design process and exhausted all other options. Reference tables should NEVER serve as the foundation for an app solution.


This table is typically used in lieu of integration with a system of record that could pass this data in real time. This table holds a bill of material and procedures for a given product of parent item. It can be used to display required component items and quantities broken down by process step.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
Parent Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition of the parent assembly
Parent Material DescriptionTextDescription of the parent material
Component Material Definition IDTextUnique identifier of the material definition of the component to be assembled or consumed
Component Material DescriptionTextDescription of the material to be assembled or consumed
Component QuantityNumberQuantity of the material to assemble or consume
Conponent UoMTextUnit of measure of the component
Point of UseTextLocation, operation, or step where the material will be assembled or consumed

Materials Definitions

Definitions of all items made, purchased, or assembled. This describes items and their specific properties.

LabelField TypeDescription
IDText* Required: unique identifier
NameTextName of the material definition
TypeTextCategorization of materials (e.g. Raw vs Intermediate, Final vs Make, vs Buy)
DescriptionTextDescription of the material
ImageImageImage of the material
StatusTextCurrent status of the material (e.g. New, Ready, Blocked, Obsolete)
Unit of MeasureTextUnit of measure of the material
Version/RevisionTextThe number of letter representing the version/revision of the part
Vendor IDTextUnique identifier of the supplier of the material
Target Cycle TimeIntervalTarget amount of time to complete one unit

Further Reading

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