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Sign cloud storage URLs. Signed URLs are valid for three hours
Requires the urls:sign
API key scope.
Access to the Tulip API requires the use of HTTP Basic Authentication using the credentials of an active Tulip API Token. All requests require the Authorization
HTTP header with the Basic
scheme to provide API credentials unless otherwise noted.
API tokens can be configured with a set of scopes which determine what parts of the API that specific token has access to. Security best practices dictate that API credentials be given the minimum set of capabilities required to fulfill their intended purpose. For example, an API token created for use in an integration that is only designed to use the Tables API should probably only be given the tables:read
and tables:write
scopes. In this way you can minimize risk in the event that API credentials are compromised. API endpoints will document what API token scopes are required to access that endpoint in their descriptions. If a request is made to an endpoint with an API token which does not have the required scopes, the response will be an authorization error.
An object containing an array of URLs to sign
The URLs to sign
An object containing an array of the signed URLs. URLs are returned in the order in which they were recieved. URLs that could not be signed are returned as null
The signed URLs. null
values indicate that the URL could not be signed.
The request was malformed. This could mean that headers, query parameters, or the request body was unable to be parsed or had unexpected values.
The request was made unauthorized. HTTP Basic Authorization using a Tulip API Key is required for use of the API.
The provided authentication info was rejected. The response will provide additional details.
The server encountered an unexpected error.